Settings for the edit forms generated by a Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView for each item that is in edit mode and the P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.EditMode is set to F:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditMode.EditForms .
Set the type of the EditForm using P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditFormSettings.EditFormType . If the type is F:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditFormType.AutoGenerated then the form will be autogenerated based on the columns of the corresponding table view. Note that only the columns that are editable wil be included. Those are the standatrd columns that have editing capabilities - such Telerik.Web.UI.GridBoundColumn that has P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableColumn.ReadOnly set to false. All the style properties apply only to the autogenerated edit form. See Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditFormType for more details on the types of the edit forms.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditFormSettings : IStateManager
AutoGeneratedColumnEditorsTableWrapperCaption String
The caption for the table which holds all cells created from the grid column editors.
AutoGeneratedColumnEditorsTableWrapperSummary String
The summary attribute for the table which holds all cells created from the grid column editors.
CaptionDataField String
Data field to incude in form's caption
CaptionFormatString String
Caption format string - {0} parameter must be included and would be repaced with DataField value
ColumnNumber Int32
Number of vertical columns to split all edit fields on the form when it is autogenerated. Each GridColumn has a to choose the column where the editor would appear.
EditColumn GridEditCommandColumn
Set properties of the update-cancel buttons column that appears in an edit form
EditFormType GridEditFormType
Specifies the type of the edit form. See about details for the possible values and their meanings.
FormCaptionStyle TableItemStyle
Style of the table row that shows the caption of the form
FormMainTableCaption String
The caption for the table that wraps the whole .
FormMainTableStyle TableStyle
Style of the forms' main table element
FormMainTableSummary String
The summary attribute for the table that wraps the whole .
FormStyle Style
Style of the forms's area (rendered as a DIV elemet)
FormTableAlternatingItemStyle TableItemStyle
Style of the alternating rows in the edit-form's table
FormTableButtonRowStyle TableItemStyle
Style of the footer row of the table, where the update-cancel buttons appear
FormTableItemStyle TableItemStyle
Style of the normal rows in the edit-form's table
FormTableStyle TableStyle
Style of the forms' table element
FormTemplate ITemplate
EditForm template - if EditFormType if is of type .
InsertCaption String
Caption for the pop-up insert form
PopUpSettings GridPopUpSettings
Gets a reference to class providing properties related to PopUp EditForm.
UserControlName String
Name (filename) of the if is of type .
You have two options regarding the implementation of the web user control depending on the desired mode of exchanging data between Telerik RadGrid and the UserControl instances. As the binding container of the edit form is a GridEditFormItem and UserControl is a binding container iteself too, in order to access data from the object currently the edit form is binding to the binding-expressions used in the UserControl should be implemented in a slightly different then the traditional way. Here is an example of declaration of a TextBox server control that should be bound to the Region property of the DataItem in RadGrid:
<asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container, "Parent.BindingContainer.DataItem.Region") %>;' />
The container object is always the UserControl isself. That is why you should refer the parent
object, which is actually a edit for table cell in the grid's . Then
the BindingContainer would refer the binding GridEditFormItem instance.
If using this kind of expression seems in some way uncorfotable, you have another option.
You user control should implement a property with name DataItem. The type of the propertry
should be public and assignable from the type of the object that construct the data-source for RadGrid.
For example if you bind to a DataSet then the DataItem can be declared as:
private DataRowView _dataItem = null;
public DataRowView DataItem
return this._dataItem;
this._dataItem = value;
private _dataItem As DataRowView = Nothing
Public Property DataItem As DataRowView
Return Me._dataItem
End Get
Set (ByVal value As DataRowView)
Me._dataItem = value
End Set
End Property
DataItem can also be declared as of type object.
Then in the usercontrol code, an expression binding the text of a TextBox control
to the Country property of the datasource item can be declared this way:
<asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval( Container, "DataItem.Country" ) %>'>