The class holding all client-side events associated with the Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid control.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridClientEvents
OnActiveRowChanged String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after active row have changed.
OnActiveRowChanging String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a active row changes.
OnBatchEditCellValueChanged String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when the is Batch and a cell value have been changed.
OnBatchEditCellValueChanging String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when the is Batch and a cell value is changing. The event could be canceled.
OnBatchEditClosed String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a cell have been closed for edit.
OnBatchEditClosing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before closing a cell for edit.
OnBatchEditGetCellValue String
Gets or sets a client-side event which helps in custom implementation of the batch editing functionality. Gets the value from the cell which is positioned in the GridTemplateColumn.ItemTemplate.
OnBatchEditGetEditorValue String
Gets or sets a client-side event which helps in custom implementation of the batch editing functionality. Gets the value from the edit control which is positioned in the GridTemplateColumn.EditItemTemplate.
OnBatchEditOpened String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a cell have been opened for edit.
OnBatchEditOpening String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before opening a cell for edit.
OnBatchEditSetCellValue String
Gets or sets a client-side event which helps in custom implementation of the batch editing functionality. Sets the value from the cell which is positioned in the GridTemplateColumn.ItemTemplate.
OnBatchEditSetEditorValue String
Gets or sets a client-side event which helps in custom implementation of the batch editing functionality. Sets the value from the edit control which is positioned in the GridTemplateColumn.EditItemTemplate.
OnCellDeselected String
This client-side event is after a column cell is deselected client-side.
This event is fired after a column cell has been deselected client-side.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnCellDeselected="CellDeselected" />
<script>function CellDeselected(){alert("Cell deselected!");}</script>
OnCellDeselecting String
This client-side event is before a column cell is deselected client-side.
This event is fired before a column cell has been deselected client-side.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnCellDeselecting="CellDeselecting" />
<script>function CellDeselecting(){alert("Cell deselecting!");}</script>
OnCellSelected String
This client-side event is after a column cell is selected client-side.
This event is fired after a column cell is selected client-side.Fired by RadGrid
<ClientEvents OnCellSelected="CellSelected" />
<script>function CellSelected(){alert("Cell selected!");}</script>
OnCellSelecting String
This client-side event is fired before a column cell is selected client-side.
This event is fired before a column cell is selected client-side.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnCellSelecting="CellSelecting" />
<script>function CellSelecting(){alert("Selecting column cell!");}</script>
OnColumnClick String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a colum have been clicked.
OnColumnContextMenu String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a column is right clicked.
OnColumnCreated String
This client-side event is fired after a column available at client-side is created.
This event is fired after a column available at client-side is created.Fired by RadGridTable
<ClientEvents OnColumnCreated="ColumnCreated" />
<script>function ColumnCreated(columnObject){alert("Column with Index: " + columnObject.Index + " was created");}</script>
OnColumnCreating String
This client-side event is fired before column available at client-side creation.
This event is fired before column available at client-side creation.Fired by RadGridTable.
<ClientEvents OnColumnCreating="ColumnCreating" />
<script>function ColumnCreating(){alert("Creating column");}</script>
OnColumnDblClick String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a column have been double clicked.
OnColumnDestroying String
This client-side event is fired when a column object is destroyed.
This event is fired when a column object is destroyed.Fired by RadGridTable.
<ClientEvents OnColumnDestroying="ColumnDestroying" />
<script>function ColumnDestroying(){alert("Destroing column with Index: " + this.Index);}</script>
OnColumnHidden String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired when a column have been hidden.
OnColumnHiding String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired before a column have been hidden.
OnColumnMouseOut String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a mouse leaves a column element.
OnColumnMouseOver String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a mouse hovers over a column element.
OnColumnMovedToLeft String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a column have been moved to the left.
OnColumnMovedToRight String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a column have been moved to the right.
OnColumnMovingToLeft String
Gets or sets the clint-side event which will be fired before a column have been moved to the left.
OnColumnMovingToRight String
Gets or sets the clint-side event which will be fired before a column have been moved to the right.
OnColumnResized String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a column have been resized.
OnColumnResizing String
This client-side event is fired before a column is resized.
This event is fired before a column is resized.Fired by RadGridTable.
<ClientEvents OnColumnResizing="ColumnResizing" />
function ColumnResizing(columnIndex, columnWidth){alert("Resizng column with Index: " + columnIndex + ", width: " + columnWidth);}
// OR cancel ColumnResizing event
function ColumnResizing(columnIndex, columnWidth){return false;}
OnColumnShowing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a column have been shown.
OnColumnShown String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a column is shown.
OnColumnSwapped String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a column have been swaped.
OnColumnSwapping String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a column have been swapped.
OnCommand String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a command occurs.
OnDataBinding String
This event is fired when the grid request data using client-side data-binding.
OnDataBindingFailed String
This event is fired if request for data fails when using client-side data-binding.
OnDataBound String
This event is fired when the grid client-side data-binding is finished.
OnDataSourceResolved String
This event is fired when the grid client-side data is retrieved from the server.
OnFilterMenuShowing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before the filter menu is shown.
OnGridCreated String
This client-side event is fired after the grid is created.
This event is fired after the grid is created.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnGridCreated="GridCreated" />
<script>function GridCreated(){alert("Grid with ClientID: " + this.ClientID + " was created");}</script>
OnGridCreating String
This client-side event is fired before grid creation.
This event is fired before grid creation.Fired by RadGridArguments.
<ClientEvents OnGridCreating="GridCreating" />
<script>function GridCreating(){alert("Creting with ClientID: " + this.ClientID + " was created");}</script>
OnGridDestroying String
This client-side event is fired when RadGrid object is destroyed, i.e. on each window.onunload
This event is fired when RadGrid object is destroyed, i.e. on each window.onunload. Fired by RadGridArguments
<ClientEvents GridDestroying="GridDestroying" />
<script>function GridDestroying(){alert("Destroying with ClientID: " + this.ClientID + " was created");}</script>
OnGroupCollapsed String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired after a group have been collapsed.
OnGroupCollapsing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired before a group is collapsed.
OnGroupExpanded String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired after a group have been expanded.
OnGroupExpanding String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired before a group is expanded.
OnHeaderMenuShowing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired when header fires its 'Showing' event.
OnHierarchyCollapsed String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a hierarchy have have been collapsed.
OnHierarchyCollapsing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a hierarchy is collapsed.
OnHierarchyExpanded String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired after a hierarchy have been expanded.
OnHierarchyExpanding String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired before a hierarchy is expanded.
OnKeyPress String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when the grid is foused and a key is pressed.
OnMasterTableViewCreated String
This client-side event is fired after the MasterTableView is created.
This event is fired after the MasterTableView is created.Fired by RadGridArguments
<ClientEvents OnMasterTableViewCreated="MasterTableViewCreated" />
<script>function MasterTableViewCreated(){alert("MasterTableView was created");}</script>
OnMasterTableViewCreating String
This client-side event is fired before the MasterTableView is created.
This event is fired before the MasterTableView is created.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnMasterTableViewCreating="MasterTableViewCreating" />
<script>function MasterTableViewCreating(){alert("Creating MasterTableView");}</script>
OnPopUpShowing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will fired before a popup is shown.
OnRowClick String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been clicked.
OnRowContextMenu String
The client-side script for RadGrid.ClientSettings.ClientEvents.OnRowContextMenu kills any exceptions that occur in the event handler. This can make bugs hard to track down because it appears that nothing happens when actually the exception was killed before it becomes visible.You can avoid this problem by putting a try/catch block around the event handler that sends an alert if an exception was thrown: RadGrid1.ClientSettings.ClientEvents.OnRowContextMenu = " try { ... my event handling code ... } catch (exp) { alert(exp.message); }";
OnRowCreated String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been created.
OnRowCreating String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row have been created.
OnRowDataBound String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row is data bound. Note that the event could only be used in client-side data binding scenario.
OnRowDblClick String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been double clicked.
OnRowDeleted String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired after a row have been deleted with GridClientDeleteColumn or deleteItem method.
OnRowDeleting String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before row have been deleted with GridClientDeleteColumn or deleteItem method.
OnRowDeselected String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been deselected.
OnRowDeselecting String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row is deselected.
OnRowDestroying String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been destroyed.
OnRowDragging String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row is being dragged.
OnRowDragStarted String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row drag starts.
OnRowDropped String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired when a row is dropped.
OnRowDropping String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired when a row is dropping.
OnRowHidden String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been hidden.
OnRowHiding String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row is hidden.
OnRowMouseOut String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a mouse leaves a row element.
OnRowMouseOver String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a mouse hovers over a row element.
OnRowResized String
Gets or sets the client-side event which is fired when a row have been resized.
OnRowResizing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row have been resized.
OnRowSelected String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been selected.
OnRowSelecting String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row is selected.
OnRowShowing String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired before a row is shown.
OnRowShown String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a row have been shown.
OnScroll String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when is scrolled.
OnTableCreated String
This client-side event is fired after the table is created.
This event is fired after the table is created. Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnTableCreated="TableCreated" />
<script>function TableCreated(tableObject){alert("DetailTable with ClientID: " + tableObject.ClientID + " was created");}</script>
OnTableCreating String
This client-side event is fired before table creation.
This event is fired before table creation.Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnTableCreating="TableCreating" />
<script>function TableCreating(){alert("Creating DetailTable");}</script>
OnTableDestroying String
This client-side event is fired when table object is destroyed.
This event is fired when table object is destroyed. Fired by RadGrid.
<ClientEvents OnTableDestroying="TableDestroying" />
<script>function TableDestroying(){alert("Destroing DetailTable with ClientID: " + this.ClientID);}</script>
OnUserAction String
Gets or sets the client-side event which will be fired when a user performs an action to the control which will cause a postback or change the data. The event could be used to popup a dialog and verify if the user is certain in performing the current action.