Provides properties related to setting the client-side data-binding in Telerik RadGrid.
You can get a reference to this class using P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridClientSettings.DataBinding property.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridClientDataBinding
CountPropertyName String
Gets or set data property total records count for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data and count. Default is "Count"!
DataPropertyName String
Gets or set data property name for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data and count. Default is "Data"!
DataService GridClientDataService
Gets a reference to class providing properties related to client-side ADO.NET DataService data-binding.
EnableCaching Boolean
Gets or set a value indicating whether the client-side caching should be enabled or not.
FilterParameterName String
Gets or set filter parameter name for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.
FilterParameterType GridClientDataBindingParameterType
Gets or set filter parameter type for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data. Default value is List.
Location String
Gets or sets url for the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.
MaximumRowsParameterName String
Gets or sets maximum rows parameter name for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.
ResponseType GridClientDataResponseType
Gets or sets the type of the data requested from a data service. A value of GridClientDataResponseType.JSONP allows for cross-domain JSONP requests. Default value is GridClientDataResponseType.JSON.
SelectCountMethod String
Gets or sets method name in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get total records count.
SelectMethod String
Gets or sets method name in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.
ShowEmptyRowsOnLoad Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether empty data rows are shown in when client-side databinding is setup. Defalut value is true.
SortParameterName String
Gets or set sort parameter name for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.
SortParameterType GridClientDataBindingParameterType
Gets or set sort parameter type for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data. Default value is List.
StartRowIndexParameterName String
Gets or set start row index parameter name for the SelectMethod in the WebService or Page which will be requested to get data.