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The editor for the Telerik.Web.UI.GridAutoCompleteColumn column.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumnEditorBase : IGridColumnEditor
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridAutoCompleteColumnEditor


AllowCustomEntry Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user will be able to add a custom text not present within the raw data in order to create a custom entry.

AllowTokenEditing Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the text of the RadAutoComplete Tokens can be edited when user double clicks on it.

AutoCompleteBox RadAutoCompleteBox

Gets the instance for the current column editor.

ContainerControl Control

Gets the instance of the Container control (generally a TableCell), after the last call of InstantiateInControl method

DataSource Object

Gets or sets the DataSource property of the AutoCompleteBox control.

DataTextField String

Gets or sets the DataTextField.

DataValueField String

Gets or sets the DataValueField.

Delimiter String

Gets or sets a value indicating what delimiter should be used when the control displays the selected items as text (InputType = Text)

Filter RadAutoCompleteFilter

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RadAutoCompleteBox should apply “Contains” or “StartsWith” filter logic.

InputType RadAutoCompleteInputType

Gets or sets a value indicating how the RadAutoCompleteBox items should be displayed - as tokens or as text.

IsInEditMode Boolean

Get a value indicating whether the current row/column editor is in edit mode.

IsInitialized Boolean

Get value if the editor has been initialized after an InitializeInControl or InitializeFromControl method call

IsInitialized Boolean

Get value if the editor has been initialized after an InitializeInControl or InitializeFromControl method call

SelectionMode RadAutoCompleteSelectionMode

Gets a value indicating whether the user can select multiple entries.

Text String

Gets or sets the text of the AutoCompleteBox control.



Implement this member to create the edit controls in the grid cell. This method is called from each column's InitializeCell method, when a initializes its cells.




Copy setting from given column editor


editor Telerik.Web.UI.IGridColumnEditor




Create the input/edit controls belonging to the editor and prepare for AddControlsToContainer call.




This method should recrteate the state of the column editor (edit controls, etc) from the container. This method is called when method is called, or when GridEditableItem.EditManager.GetColumnEditor is called.


This method is should prepare the column editor to extract values from the edit controls residign in a TableCell of the grid.

