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The class that provides the functionality of a funnel chart

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.SeriesBase
  • Telerik.Web.UI.FunnelSeries


Appearance SeriesAppearance

Defines the appearance settings of the series

AxisName String

Get/set the name of the axis, to which the values will be associated

ColorField String

Specifies the color of the series when the chart is databound.

Data String

Get/Set the serialized data entities in a list format. This property is usually set if the series is data bound

DataField String

The data field with the values of the series

DataFieldSize String

Specifies the size value of the bubble item in bubble series when the chart is databound.

DataFieldTooltip String

Specifies the tooltip value of the bubble item in bubble series when the chart is databound.

DataFieldX String

The data field with the values of the series along the X axis

DataFieldY String

The data field with the values of the series along the Y axis

DataNameField String

Specifies the name of the series items in a databound scenario. This name will appear in the legend.

DataNoteTextField String

DataNoteTextField property is not supported for Radar, Polar, Pie, Funnel and BoxPlot series types.

DataNoteTextField String

The data field with the notes of the series

DataVisibleInLegendField String

Specifies the visibility of the series items in the legend for a data-bound scenario.

DynamicHeightEnabled Boolean

Get/Set the automatic change of segment's height according to the item's value

DynamicSlopeEnabled Boolean

Get/Set the slope of funnel's segments

HighlightAppearance SeriesAppearance

Defines the highlight appearance settings of the series

Items SeriesItemCollection

The Items collection is Obsolete. Use the SeriesItems collection to specify the series items.


The Items collection is Obsolete. Use the SeriesItems collection to programmatically set the series items.

LabelsAppearance FunnelSeriesLabelsAppearance

Defines the appearance settings of the series labels

Name String

Get/Set the name of the series

NeckRatio Nullable1`

Get/Set the neck ratio of the funnel's segments

NotesAppearance NotesAppearance

Series Notes are not supported for Radar, Polar, Pie, Funnel and BoxPlot series types.

NotesAppearance SeriesAppearance

Defines the appearance settings of the notes

Opacity Decimal

The series opacity. By default the series are opaque with default value 1.

SegmentSpacing Nullable1`

Get/Set the spacing between the funnel's segments

SeriesItems FunnelSeriesItemCollection

Creates a collection of funnel series items.

TooltipsAppearance SeriesAppearance

Defines the appearance settings of the series

Type SeriesType

Gets the type of the series

Visible Boolean

Get/Set the visibility of the series

VisibleInLegend Boolean

Get/Set the visibility of the series in the legend

ZIndex Nullable1`

Specifies the color of the series when the chart is databound.