Defines the client events handlers.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.DraggableClientEvents : IDefaultCheck
OnDrag String
Fired while dragging. The drag event represents a jQuery mousemove event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
OnDragCancel String
Fired when item drag is canceled by pressing the Escape key. The dragcancel event represents a jQuery keyup event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
OnDragEnd String
Fired when item drag ends. The dragend event represents a jQuery mouseup event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
OnDragStart String
Fired when item drag starts. The dragstart event represents a jQuery mousedown event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
OnHold String
Fired before the dragStart event. The hold event represents a jQuery mousedown event and contains all the event data of the jQuery Event Object.
OnInitialize String
Fired when the control is initialized.
OnLoad String
Fired when the control is loaded on the page.