Represents the scale of a Radial Gauge.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.Gauge.ScaleBase
- Telerik.Web.UI.Gauge.RadialScale
EndAngle Int32
Gets or sets the end angle of the RadialGauge. The gauge is rendered clockwise(0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system).
Labels ScaleLabels
Defines the settings of the Scale's Labels.
MajorTicks Ticks
Defines the settings of the Scale's Major ticks.
MajorUnit Nullable
Gets or sets the interval between the major divisions.
Max Decimal
Gets or sets the maximum value of the scale.
Min Decimal
Gets or sets the minimum value of the scale.
MinorTicks Ticks
Defines the settings of the Scale's Minor ticks.
MinorUnit Decimal
Gets or sets the interval between the minor divisions.
Ranges GaugeRangeCollection
Defines a collection of gauge ranges.
RangeSize Nullable
Gets or sets the width of the range indicators of the RadialGauge. If the value is null, it will default to size equal to half of the MinorTick size.
Reverse Boolean
Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the direction of the scale values will be reversed.
RadialGauge: Values increase counter-clockwise.
LinearGauge: Values increase from right to left (if the LinearGauge is horizontal),
and from top to bottom (if the LinearGauge is vertical).
StartAngle Int32
Gets or sets the start angle of the RadialGauge. The gauge is rendered clockwise(0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system).