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Defines the defaults of the connections. Whenever a connection is created, the specified connectionDefaults will be used and merged with the (optional) configuration passed through the connection creation method.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.Diagram.ConnectionDefaults : IDefaultCheck


ContentSettings ConnectionContent

Defines the label displayed on the connection path.

Editable Boolean

Enable editing for connections by default.

EditableSettings Boolean

Defines the editable configuration by default.

EndCap ConnectionEndCap

The end cap (arrow, head or decoration) of the connection.

EndCapSettings ConnectionEndCap

The connection end cap configuration or type name.

FromConnector String

Specifies the name of the source shape connector that should be used by default.

HoverSettings ConnectionHover

Defines the hover configuration.

Selectable Boolean

Specifies if the connection can be selected.

SelectionSettings Selection

Defines the connection selection configuration.

StartCap ConnectionStartCap

The start cap (arrow, head or decoration) of the connection.

StartCapSettings ConnectionStartCap

The connection start cap configuration or type name.

StrokeSettings ConnectionStroke

Defines the stroke configuration.

ToConnector String

Specifies the name of the target shape connector that should be used by default.

Type ConnectionType

The type of the connection that defines the way it routes.