We're trying to wrap the Telerik card component into my own card deck and card components. I have the following classes that I would like to create in a collection on the page and then have the click events from the button wired up to methods on the page similar to this example.
CardDeck - This holds a List of CardItems
Card - Contains an individual CardItem object
CardItem - Properties of the card as well as a CardButton collection
CardButton - Properties of the button as well as a property that represents the method I'd like to wire up on the page.
Card.razor iterates through the CardButton collection and creates a TelerikButton object for each item. This is where I'd like to have the CardButton.OnClick wired up. This works fine if I have a method defined in card.razor, but if I try and define a method on the page I can't seem to wire it up (see the example).