Hi ,
I need a help regarding RadTreeView , where i would like wrap of Text value to next line according to fix size of text
Aspx Code
<td valign="top" style="border: solid 1px #000000" class="style2">
<div id="scroll1" style="overflow: auto; height: 825px;width: 480px;">
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="rtvCardFileCatEntries" runat="server" OnNodeClick="rtvCardFileCatEntries_NodeClick"
OnNodeExpand="rtvCardFileCatEntries_NodeExpand" Skin="Telerik">
<CollapseAnimation Type="OutQuint" Duration="100"></CollapseAnimation>
<ExpandAnimation Duration="100"></ExpandAnimation>
code-Cs page
rotected void rtvCardFileCatEntries_NodeClick(object sender, RadTreeNodeEventArgs e)
//If the click came from a Card file category
if (e.Node.Level == 1)
Guid selectedCardFileEntryId = Guid.Empty;
selectedCardFileEntryId = new Guid(e.Node.Value);
if (selectedCardFileEntryId != Guid.Empty)
EntryEntity cardFileEntry = new EntryEntity(selectedCardFileEntryId);
ltCardFileEntryHtml.Text = cardFileEntry.EntryHtml; -- Here Text is coming
protected void rtvCardFileCatEntries_NodeExpand(object sender, RadTreeNodeEventArgs e)
Guid selectedCardFileCategoryId = Guid.Empty;
selectedCardFileCategoryId = new Guid(e.Node.Value);
if (selectedCardFileCategoryId != Guid.Empty)
Collection cardFileEntries = GetCardFileEntries(selectedCardFileCategoryId);
foreach (EntryEntity cardFileEntry in cardFileEntries)
RadTreeNode node = new RadTreeNode();
node.Text = cardFileEntry.Description;---Here Text is coming
node.Value = cardFileEntry.CardFileEntryId.ToString();
in UI --on click on button i am getting
Non-Commission Agencies
Wisconsin Department
of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Agency
Now my requirement to change this above text to
Non-Commission Agencies --Parent -on click of this (for parent also length of text 50 should come to next line)
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,---rest text should come on next line(new line)-(length of text 50 should come to next line)
Trade and Consumer Protection Agency
what are possibilities please advise me .
Thanks in Advance