Hi All,
Recently we migrated one of our web solution from visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2013. In this conversion we are not upgrading our DLLs (including RAD and Telerik), DLLs are having same old versions.
Our target framework is .Net FrameWork 2.0.
Our application is not working properly with RAD controls in browsers like IE8+, Chrome, Mozilla etc.
Mainly we are facing issue with window.radopen.
Instead of showing Pop-Ups, Its throwing error in Browsers.
We have attached Error Image of respective browser:
A. IE 8+: error_IE8+.png
B. Chrome: error_Chrome.png
C. Mozilla: error_Mozilla.png
We are using RadWindow.Net2 of version and using following function to open Popup , the same function and our web solution with same DLLs is working fine in IE 8 and IE7.
function Show(flgURL,windowName)
var oWidth=400;
var oHeight=320;
var oWnd = window.radopen(null, windowName );
var sUrl = flgURL;
oWnd.SetSize (oWidth,oHeight);
oWnd.Top= 100;
oWnd.SetStatus(" ");
return false;
Please suggest us any suitable solution to resolve this issue.