Hi there,
I have a form:
<TelerikForm Model="Template" OnValidSubmit="SubmitTemplateAsync">
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value="Template.Title" PlaceHolder="Title"></TelerikTextBox>
<br />
@foreach (EvaluateQuestionGroup group in Template.QuestionGroups)
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value="group.Title"></TelerikTextBox>
<TemplateLibraryEvaluateQuestionGrid Template="Template" QuestionGroup="group"></TemplateLibraryEvaluateQuestionGrid>
<br />
However, when a user clicks the button the window pops up and then immediately after OnInitializeAsync ends it disappears, at which point the form pasted above calls its OnValidSubmit.
Can you tell me why this is happening?
All the best,