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WebForm_InitCallback ISSUE

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Myhamamd asked on 21 Nov 2012, 11:54 AM
When I use Rad Combobox in my Project and on Debugging time the Following Error Generates

WebForm_InitCallback();Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox, {"_dropDownWidth":0,"_showDropDownOnTextboxClick":false,"_skin":"Office2007","_uniqueId":"ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$RetailComponentControl1$ddlFrom","allowCustomText":true,"clientStateFieldID":"ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_RetailComponentControl1_ddlFrom_ClientState","collapseAnimation":"{\"type\":12,\"duration\":200}","enableLoadOnDemand":true,"itemData":[],"text":"","value":"","webServiceSettings":"{\"path\":\"/CallbackWebServices/ComboBoxLists.asmx\",\"method\":\"AirportList\"}"}, {"itemsRequesting":itemRequesting}, null, $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_RetailComponentControl1_ddlFrom"));

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Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Nov 2012, 08:29 AM

Could you clarify the version of the controls that you are using? Additionally please open a support ticket and provide the implementation that you are using so we could inspect and troubleshoot the problem locally.

Kind regards,
Dimitar Terziev
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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answered on 11 Jan 2013, 08:53 PM
I may have the same issue.  Was a solution ever found?

Version = "Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2012.3.1205.35

On debug I get an error on the following line...

WebForm_InitCallback();Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox, {"_dropDownWidth":0,"_height":0,"_isAspNet35":true,"_postBackReference":"__doPostBack(\u0027RadProjectName\u0027,\u0027arguments\u0027)","_showMoreResultsBox":true,"_skin":"Default","_text":"Blue Star Shopping Center","_uniqueId":"RadProjectName","allowCustomText":true,"attributes":{},"clientStateFieldID":"RadProjectName_ClientState","collapseAnimation":"{\"duration\":450}","enableLoadOnDemand":true,"enabled":false,"expandAnimation":"{\"duration\":450}","itemData":[],"itemRequestTimeout":500,"localization":"{\"AllItemsCheckedString\":\"All items checked\",\"ItemsCheckedString\":\"items checked\",\"CheckAllString\":\"Check All\"}","markFirstMatch":true}, {"itemsRequested":ItemsLoaded}, null, $get("RadProjectName"));

The error is...

Unhandled exception at line 182, column 5 in http://localhost:63754/AsbestosSurvey/DetailScreen.aspx?LogId=8925

0x800a1391 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'ItemsLoaded' is undefined
Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jan 2013, 01:17 PM
Hello Stephen,

Since we were unable to replicate the problem locally I would like to ask you to open a support ticket and send a runnable sample which we could examine and debug at your side.

All the best,
Dimitar Terziev
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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answered on 16 Dec 2013, 02:44 PM

Did you get this resolved? I am on the same issue now. Please advise

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answered on 27 May 2014, 07:36 PM
Was this resolved. I am getting the same error after publishing to our web server.
Dimitar Terziev
Telerik team
answered on 30 May 2014, 06:55 AM
Hello Jerry,

Since we were unable to reproduce the issue, my suggestion is to open e support ticket and provide a runnable sample reproducing it so we could examine it locally.

Dimitar Terziev

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 08 Jun 2020, 07:30 PM

Telerik Team,

I am facing the same issue and Telerik Asp.Net version is Telerik_UI_for_ASP.NET_AJAX_2019_3_1023_Dev. This issue is occurring on Window Server 2016.

This issue related to RadComboBox is coming up on the pages which are using Master Pages. Simple aspx pages are not this error.

Console is showing exception like 

Uncaught ReferenceError: Telerik is not defined
    at Array.<anonymous> (test.aspx:1514)
    at ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2
    at Function.f.raiseEvent (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)
    at t._Application._raiseInit (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)
    at t._Application._doInitialize (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)
    at ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2
    at ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2
    at i (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)
    at Object.t._2Pass (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)
    at y (ScriptResource.axd?d=zqTJRG152PgYQTs-y4oTSxbrYaUCeMkBbVT04HItweMjb0r9AtusgqfXPHwb0yILGT-uX9COSt2wJCzeKS9uXWHOokDYlMl_kglb0z-Sl3WjPWAoYLz-fEStyctREGpv0&t=ffffffffda74082d:2)


Telerik team
answered on 11 Jun 2020, 10:24 AM

Hi Sheeraz,

Can you, please, make sure that all required Telerik handlers are registered in the web.config of your application?

I am asking you that as such error is usually thrown when the WebResource handler is missing:

Also, in case you are using some kind of authentication on the problematic pages, you will need to ensure that the Telerik handlers are granted with full permissions in order to function properly. You can do that throuhh the location tag in the web.config like demonstrated here:

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Dimitar Terziev
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