Dears ,
Because of some reason , I need to Customer Telerik Blazor Componet into Custome Componet and then Render it in Dynamic Ways ,
Like This .
FabCombobox.razor (Componet)
@typeparam T
@typeparam TResource
<div class="row"><label class="col-md-2">@Label</label><div class="col-md-5"><TelerikComboBox Value="@ResultValue" Data="@Resource" Placeholder="@Placeholder" Filterable="@Filterable"
TextField="@TextField" ValueField="@ValueField" Enabled="@Enabled" Id="@ID" Width="100%"
@code {
[Parameter] public bool bBindData { get; set; } = false;
[Parameter] public string Label { get; set; }
[Parameter] public T ResultValue { get; set; }
[Parameter] public List<TResource> Resource { get; set; }
[Parameter] public string Placeholder { get; set; } = "Select Item";
[Parameter] public bool Filterable { get; set; } = false;
[Parameter] public string Width { get; set; } = "100%";
[Parameter] public string TextField { get; set; }
[Parameter] public string ValueField { get; set; }
[Parameter] public bool Enabled { get; set; }
[Parameter] public string ID { get; set; } = "TelerikComboBox" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
[Parameter] public EventCallback<T> ResultValueChanged { get; set; }
DynamicTable.Razor (Componet)
@using System.Linq.Expressions
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
@foreach (var item in Contents)
@code {
public List<Blazor_Dynamic.Shared.FabComponet> Componets { get; set; }
public List<RenderFragment> Contents { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
if (Componets.Count() > 0 && Componets != null)
public void CreateFragment()
int iComponent = 0;
List<RenderFragment> RFTs = new List<RenderFragment>();
foreach (var area in Componets)
RenderFragment renderFragment = (builder) =>
object o = new object();
builder.OpenComponent(iComponent, area.Type);
int iDic = 0;
foreach (var item in area.Dic)
builder.AddAttribute(iDic, item.Key, item.Value);
Contents = RFTs;
DynamicConnect.razor (Page)
@page "/DynamicConnect"
@inject IProductRepository IProductRepo
<DynamicTable Componets="@liComponets"></DynamicTable>
<p> @CurrentType </p>
<p> @CurrentProduct </p>
@code {
public List<Product> products { get; set; }
public List<Selection> productTypes { get; set; }
private Selection productType { get; set; }
public Product product { get; set; }
private string CurrentType { get; set; }
private Guid? CurrentProduct { get; set; }
private string sFullProductInfo { get; set; }
public List<FabComponet> liComponets { get; set; }
public class Selection
public string id { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
products = IProductRepo.GetProducts();
productTypes = (from w in products group w by w.Type into g select g.First()).Select(x => new Selection { id = x.Type, text = x.Type }).ToList();
List<FabComponet> FCs = new List<FabComponet>();
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic.Add("Label", "Product Category");
dic.Add("Resource", productTypes);
dic.Add("ResultValue", CurrentType);
dic.Add("Placeholder", "Select Somthing??");
dic.Add("TextField", "id");
dic.Add("ValueField", "text");
dic.Add("Filterable", false);
dic.Add("Enabled", true);
dic.Add("Id", "cbxType");
dic.Add("Width", "100%");
dic.Add("ResultValueChanged", EventCallback.Factory.Create<System.String>(this, str => TypeSelected(str)));
FabComponet First = new FabComponet() { Type = typeof(FabComboBox<string,Selection>), Row = "1", Length = "6", Seq = "1", Dic = dic };
var dic2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic2.Add("Label", "Product");
dic2.Add("Resource", products);
dic2.Add("ResultValue", CurrentProduct);
dic2.Add("ValueField", nameof(Product.ID));
dic2.Add("TextField", nameof(Product.ProductName));
dic2.Add("Filterable", false);
dic2.Add("Enabled", (CurrentType != null));
dic2.Add("Id", "cbxProduct");
dic2.Add("Width", "100%");
dic2.Add("ResultValueChanged", EventCallback.Factory.Create<Nullable<System.Guid>>(this, x => ProductSelected(x)));
FabComponet Sec = new FabComponet() { Type = typeof(FabComboBox<Nullable<Guid>,Product>), Row = "1", Length = "6", Seq = "1", Dic = dic2 };
liComponets = FCs;
public void TypeSelected(string SelectionType)
products = IProductRepo.GetProductsByType(SelectionType);
productType = productTypes.Where(x => == SelectionType).First();
CurrentType = SelectionType;
public void ProductSelected(Guid? SelectionProduct)
CurrentProduct = SelectionProduct.HasValue ? SelectionProduct.Value : null;
product = products.Where(p => p.ID == SelectionProduct).First();
But , When I Change the Value of Product Category , it didn't show what I did Selected , but CurrentType is Changed .
and Product is still Disabled .
Is there any thing went wrong ?
I'm , Using .net Core 6.0 and Visual Studio 2019 Preview .