I try to use the feature FilterType=CheckList of the radgrid.
So I defined the CheckListWebServicePath property of the MasterTableView and the FilterCheckListWebServiceMethod (GetCities) of the GridBoundColumn.
Problem is that I always get the same error when I click on the filter button :
Server method failed : GetCities.
So, I guess the link with the WCF service is not correct. Thing is I don't understand what to put exactly on the CheckListWebServicePath. Is it the link like "http://localhost:xxxx/MyService.svc" or a direct link like "..\..\MyService.svc" ?
I tried everything (as shown in the online basic filtering example) but with no success.
Note that if I call my GetCities method in the C# codebehind, it's working fine :
MyServiceClient test = new MyService.MyServiceClient();
RadListBoxItemData[] lstTest = test.GetCities(new Dictionary<string, object>());
If needed, I can provide a project example. Thank you, JC
I try to use the feature FilterType=CheckList of the radgrid.
So I defined the CheckListWebServicePath property of the MasterTableView and the FilterCheckListWebServiceMethod (GetCities) of the GridBoundColumn.
Problem is that I always get the same error when I click on the filter button :
Server method failed : GetCities.
So, I guess the link with the WCF service is not correct. Thing is I don't understand what to put exactly on the CheckListWebServicePath. Is it the link like "http://localhost:xxxx/MyService.svc" or a direct link like "..\..\MyService.svc" ?
I tried everything (as shown in the online basic filtering example) but with no success.
Note that if I call my GetCities method in the C# codebehind, it's working fine :
MyServiceClient test = new MyService.MyServiceClient();
RadListBoxItemData[] lstTest = test.GetCities(new Dictionary<string, object>());
If needed, I can provide a project example. Thank you, JC