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Upgraded RadEditor using External Scripts (EnableEmbeddedScripts=False) to Q1 2009, now it broke.

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Fred asked on 26 Mar 2009, 08:20 PM
Are there any other changes I need to make?

I was on Q3 2008 and I had my RadEditor property EnableEmbeddedScripts set to False.

On my page... I have

<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server"
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Common/Core.js" /> 
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Common/PopUp/PopUpScripts.js" />           
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Editor/RadEditor.js" /> 
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Dialogs/DialogOpener.js" /> 
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Editor/Modules.js" />          
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Spell/SpellCheckService.js" /> 
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Editor/AjaxSpellCheck.js" /> 
            <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Javascript/Scripts/Window/RadWindow.js" /> 

I upgraded to Q1 2009 and now I'm getting Javascript errors when trying to load the editor.  If I set EnableEmbeddedScripts to True, I don't get error, but editor loads all clear with no skin.  I went over to and it looks updated for Q1 2009 but nothing new for the Editor.

I'm also not using Embedded Skins, if that matters.

<link href="/Skins/Window.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
    <link href="/Skins/Editor.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
    <link href="/Skins/Office2007/Window.Office2007.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 
    <link href="/Skins/Office2007/Editor.Office2007.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> 

 <telerik:RadEditor ID="reDocument" Runat="server"  
                                                                        Height="385px" EnableResize="true" 
                                                                        Width="100%" AutoResizeHeight="false" 

If I turn off EmbeddedSkin and Script to False, it loads somewhat ok.  Except that my custom button icon goes away.
Ok if I turn off Skins and Scripts and comment out the css files then it loads correctly, other then my custom button.

Any suggestions?

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answered on 30 Mar 2009, 04:05 PM
Hello Fred,

I have prepared and attached a small project demonstrating how to run RadEditor Q1 2009 with its skins and scripts turned off. Please find attached.

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