I am unable to localize the button and labels of RadSpell control. According to the following link http://www.telerik.com/DEMOS/ASPNET/Prometheus/Spell/Examples/Localization/DefaultCS.aspx. I should be able to localize buttons and labels of RadSpell control by just changing "Language" property. I have pasted my code below. Please let me know the changes I need to make in my code.
I am unable to localize the button and labels of RadSpell control. According to the following link http://www.telerik.com/DEMOS/ASPNET/Prometheus/Spell/Examples/Localization/DefaultCS.aspx. I should be able to localize buttons and labels of RadSpell control by just changing "Language" property. I have pasted my code below. Please let me know the changes I need to make in my code.
<telerik:RadSpell ID="RadSpell1" Runat="server" ButtonType="LinkButton"
ControlToCheck="txtBox" Language="fr-FR" SupportedLanguages="fr-FR" DictionaryPath="~/App_Data/RadSpell/" CssClass="footertext" Skin="WebBlue" />