I'm working on a hosted webassembly project with .net core 3.2 RC1 and Visual Studio 16.6.0 Preview 6
I would like to use the treeview to present a search result hierarchically and navigate to an other page when the user clicks on a child item.
I use the templates and <a> tag.
The problem is that if i use <a href="customerPage">test url</a> for example, it throw an exception when i click on the link and the page "customerPage" is not rendered.
The issue is the same with a <NavLink> tag.
If i use the <a> tag with the onclick event associated to the NavigationManager in a code behind function, it seems to work, but i can see an exception in the the browser's console.
To reproduce the problem, I have created a new Hosted Client Side project.
I added a treeview in the index.razor file and use the code of your "Flat Data" demo to populate the treeview and update the counter page to pass a CounterValue parameter.
I took some screenshot after clicking on the different links.
Here is the code :
@page "/"<h1>Hello, world!</h1> Welcome to your new app. <SurveyPrompt Title="How is Blazor working for you?" /><TelerikTreeView Data="@FlatData"> <TreeViewBindings> <TreeViewBinding ParentIdField="Parent" ExpandedField="IsExpanded"> <ItemTemplate> @{ var item = (context as TreeItem); <span>(a href) <a href="counter/@item.Id">id:@item.Id</a> | </span> <span> (navlink)<NavLink href="counter">no id</NavLink> | </span> <span> (a onclick) <a href="javascript:void(0)" @onclick="@( _ => Navigate(item))">id:@item.Id</a></span> } </ItemTemplate> </TreeViewBinding> </TreeViewBindings></TelerikTreeView>
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; namespace BlazorApp2.Client.Pages { public partial class Index { public IEnumerable<TreeItem> FlatData { get; set; } [Inject] private NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; } public class TreeItem //most fields use the default names and will bind automatically in this example { public int Id { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } public int? Parent { get; set; } //this is a non-default field name public bool HasChildren { get; set; } public bool IsExpanded { get; set; } //this is a non-default field name } protected override void OnInitialized() { FlatData = LoadFlat(); } private void Navigate(TreeItem item) { var uri = $"counter/{item?.Id.ToString() ?? ""}"; NavigationManager.NavigateTo(uri); } private List<TreeItem> LoadFlat() { List<TreeItem> items = new List<TreeItem>(); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 1, Text = "Parent 1", Parent = null, // indicates a root (zero-level) item HasChildren = true, // informs the treeview there are children so it renders the expand option IsExpanded = true // an item can be expanded by default }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 2, Text = "Parent 2", Parent = null, // indicates a root item HasChildren = true, IsExpanded = false }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 3, Text = "Parent 3", Parent = null, // indicates a root item HasChildren = false, //there will be no children in this item IsExpanded = true // will not have an effect if there are no children }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 4, Text = "Child 1 of Parent 1", Parent = 1, // the parent will be the first item HasChildren = false, IsExpanded = false }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 5, Text = "Child 2 of Parent 1", Parent = 1, // the parent will be the first item HasChildren = true, IsExpanded = true }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 6, Text = "Child 1 of Child 2", Parent = 5, // the parent will be the first child of the first root item HasChildren = false, IsExpanded = false }); items.Add(new TreeItem() { Id = 7, Text = "Child 1 of Parent 2", Parent = 2, // the parent will be the second root item HasChildren = false, IsExpanded = false }); return items; } } }
@page "/counter"@page "/counter/{counterValue:int}"<h1>Counter</h1><p>Current count: @CounterValue</p><button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="IncrementCount">Click me</button>
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; namespace BlazorApp2.Client.Pages { public partial class Counter { [Parameter] public int CounterValue { get; set; } private void IncrementCount() { CounterValue++; } } }