We upgraded from 2.30 to 3.0 and immediately noticed our app stopped working. Properties of some controls seemed to have been removed. Could work with that. My main issue so far is the treeview expanded/unexpanded display has changed. Top level tree doesn't show any icon. Took the hierarchical treeview sample code and this is what I see
Is there some class styling conflict or something?
Hi John,
@John - "bootstrap-main.css" implies that you are using one of the following:
For cases 2 and 3, update the CDN URL or download the correct version locally again.
For case 1, recreate the custom theme with our ThemeBuilder via import or from scratch.
It is vital to update custom themes, CDN URLs or downloaded theme swatches with every update of UI for Blazor. Otherwise you end up with styling issues like the current one.