The problem I am having is, that when I select a HOUR in the list of hours, by clicking on it with the mouse, the hour is updated shortly and then reset to the hours of the DateTime send into the control. That is, the hour in the text box is set for the selected one, and then reset half a second later. The dropdown with hours 'rolls' back to the initial hour. There is the same problem for the Minutes and Seconds
When trying the component on the Telerik Blazor DEMO site, that works just fine, but in my solution (running on my own PC which is setup for the Danish Language and Regional settings) it does as above. My demo component for testing this is quite simple:
@page "/CodeSamples"
<label for="timepicker">Time:</label>
<TelerikTimePicker Min="@Min" Max="@Max" Format="HH:mm:ss" @bind-Value="@selectedTime" Id="timepicker"></TelerikTimePicker>
<div class="pt-4">The selected time is: @selectedTime?.ToLongTimeString()</div>
@code {
public DateTime Min = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0);
public DateTime Max = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 20, 0, 0);
private DateTime? selectedTime = DateTime.Now;
Can you help me? :-)