TelerikWindow within TelerikWindow

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Robert asked on 14 Jan 2022, 06:59 PM

In the current version 2.30

Is it possible to create a component with containing a TelerikWindow (Modal = true) witch in turn also has another component containing another TelerikWindow (Modal = true), this last being opened when clicking for example on a button of the 1st component?

So far several unsuccessful attempts (using Visible & VisibleChanged or @bind-Visible) 

  • 2nd window not displayed
  • Seems to break the 1st one (close button not working anymore)
  • No error displayed

Thanks in advance.

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Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jan 2022, 06:52 PM

Hello Robert,

If the Close button does not work, this is likely an issue with passing data between the components. Perhaps a correct event is not raised from the child component and it gets the old value back as a parameter.

The second most likely reason I can think of is that you are using a very old version where this scenario is not supported yet, you need to ensure you are on the latest (2.30.0 at the moment) or at the very least on 2.23.0.

I made a basic sample for you that works fine for me:

parent component:

<TelerikWindow Modal="true" @bind-Visible="@isModal1Visible">
        <strong>The Title</strong>
        I am modal so the page behind me is not available to the user.

        <TelerikButton OnClick="@( _ => isModal2Visible = true )">Open the SECOND window</TelerikButton>
        <NestedComponent @bind-Visible="@isModal2Visible" />
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize" />
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize" />
        <WindowAction Name="Close" />

<TelerikButton OnClick="@( _ => isModal1Visible = true )">Open the window</TelerikButton>

    bool isModal1Visible { get; set; }
    bool isModal2Visible { get; set; }

nested component:


<TelerikWindow Modal="true" Visible="@Visible" VisibleChanged="@VisibleChangedHandler">
        <strong>The SECOND Title</strong>
        SECOND ONE
        <WindowAction Name="Minimize" />
        <WindowAction Name="Maximize" />
        <WindowAction Name="Close" />

    public bool Visible { get; set; }
    public EventCallback<bool> VisibleChanged { get; set; }

    async Task VisibleChangedHandler(bool isVisible)
        Visible = isVisible;
        await VisibleChanged.InvokeAsync(Visible);

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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