Calendar days that fall outside the selected month never have the class k-state-disabled, even when those days are part of DisabledDates.
That means the user sees a normal (enabled) rendering, the pointer cursor, and can even click on the day, but nothing will happen.
It becomes more obvious, and annoying, when I want to color each disabled day red, and/or each allowed day green.
I cannot do this because the k-other-month days now cannot be colored red, and will be colored green, or not colored at all.
That means the user sees a normal (enabled) rendering, the pointer cursor, and can even click on the day, but nothing will happen.
It becomes more obvious, and annoying, when I want to color each disabled day red, and/or each allowed day green.
I cannot do this because the k-other-month days now cannot be colored red, and will be colored green, or not colored at all.