I am using telerik tooltip in my application with many web pages. It works perfectly fine for the web pages with less height. However for a few pages which have more height and have scrolling bars, tooltip floats around and does not stick to its target control. For example, even if the target control is on top of the page, tooltip shows at the bottom of the page where the user can even see the target control. Is there a way we can set position of tooltip to fixed on top of the target control ?
My code :
<asp:TextBox ID="tbtest" BorderColor="White" BorderWidth="0px" placeholder="My first name"
runat="server" AutoCompleteType="Disabled" CssClass="textboxStyle" ></asp:TextBox>
<telerik:RadToolTip runat="server" HideEvent="ManualClose" ShowEvent="FromCode" Width="150px"
Position="TopCenter" RelativeTo="Element" IsClientID="true" TargetControlID="tbtest" OnClientShow="OnClientShow"
ID="tbtestToolTip" Height="50 px" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="MyCustomSkin" ClientIDMode="Static" >
Testing message here.
I am using telerik tooltip in my application with many web pages. It works perfectly fine for the web pages with less height. However for a few pages which have more height and have scrolling bars, tooltip floats around and does not stick to its target control. For example, even if the target control is on top of the page, tooltip shows at the bottom of the page where the user can even see the target control. Is there a way we can set position of tooltip to fixed on top of the target control ?
My code :
<asp:TextBox ID="tbtest" BorderColor="White" BorderWidth="0px" placeholder="My first name"
runat="server" AutoCompleteType="Disabled" CssClass="textboxStyle" ></asp:TextBox>
<telerik:RadToolTip runat="server" HideEvent="ManualClose" ShowEvent="FromCode" Width="150px"
Position="TopCenter" RelativeTo="Element" IsClientID="true" TargetControlID="tbtest" OnClientShow="OnClientShow"
ID="tbtestToolTip" Height="50 px" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="MyCustomSkin" ClientIDMode="Static" >
Testing message here.