I have the following grid. I the student has many different schools. How do I list the different schools in one column.
<TelerikGrid Data="@openTipGridData" ...><GridToolBar>
<GridPagerSettings InputType="PagerInputType.Input" PageSizes="@gobalPageSizesOptions" ButtonCount="5" />
<GridColumn Field="Student.FirstName" Title="First Name"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Field="Student.LastName" Title="Last Name"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn Title="Schools">
<Template Context="Schools">
@foreach (DataColumn col in openTipGridData.Student.Schools)
<GridColumn Field="Encounter.AddDate" DisplayFormat="{0:dd MMM yy}" Title="Assigned To"></GridColumn>
This pseudocode looks right, then you should choose how you want to render them in the cell and put the desired markup/component(s) in the foreach body.
The only issue I see is that you must use the context variable, so something like
<Template Context="Schools">@foreach (var item in Schools.TheSchoolsCollection)