Syncfusion versus Telerik

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ClaudeSj asked on 10 Feb 2022, 10:52 AM
The company I work for is currently trying to decide what Blazor component library they want to work with. As it stands right now, they are trying to chose between Syncfusion and Telerik. Do any of you have experiences with either one, or both, component libraries?

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answered on 10 Feb 2022, 01:30 PM

Hi Claude,

I use both vendors for a fairly large project. Syncfusion had quite a large number of components relatively early on. In the meantime, however, I am increasingly replacing them with components from Telerik. Both providers have their advantages and disadvantages - overall I prefer Telerik now. On the one hand they are more performant and look better. In addition, I like the development with the components better, because documentation, demos and also the forum offers great support. However, this is also a subjective view. Try both and see if the available components cover what you need.

Regard Matthias 
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commented on 22 Feb 2022, 01:37 PM


Matthias is exactly right regarding the number of components between Syncfusion and Telerik. I started Blazor pretty much after the RC phase, and have a large company Intranet that I was initially developing from Syncfusion. Back in the day, I think Telerik had 50+ and Syncfusion had 70. Present day, Telerik has 95+ I think and Syncfusion still has 70. I made the switch to Telerik after running into a number of issues with 'immaturity' of the SF controls. The main difference is that SF is mostly Java wrapped in Blazor, where Telerik is native Blazor. The difference from a coding stanpoint is night and day. Less code, better functionality, better performance, better appearance. Easier to CSS your way through.

I highly recommend Telerik.



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