I have an issue that I'd like to share with you.
I have the following setup:
@if (_isEditMode && _aListOfStrings.Any())
<TelerikAutoComplete Data="_aListOfStrings"
Code behind:
protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
await GetTheStringList();
private async Task GetTheStringList ()
_aListOfStrings = _aService.GetTheListOfStrings();
The autocomplete renders like expected. The data is also shown and filtered like expected. For some reason, when I type a string that is present in "_aListOfStrings" and select it for the first time. The string is not filled-in the autocomplete, nor does it get bound to the model. The second time I filter and select the string, it does get filled in and bound to the model.
Do you guys have any idea why this happens? I can't seem to figure it out. This is happening for all autocompletes in this "form". I've tried the following:
1. Render the Autocomplete outside of the Form
2. Set an id
3. Call this.StateHasChanged() after retrieving the data for the list
4. Changed OnParametersSetAsync() to OnInitilizedAsync() to fetch the list
Thanks in advance!