I've created a component for picking a sorting field, that consists in a TelerikDropDownList where I've added a button with an icon to specify the sorting order
something like this
<TelerikDropDownList Value="_sortingValue.Value" Data="Choices"
PopupHeight="auto" PopupWidth="200px"
Class="max-w-min flex-grow"
ValueChanged="@((TEnum sorting) => OnSortChanged(sorting))">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center">
<button class="flex items-center text-primary p-2 hover:text-secondary" @onclick="()=> OnChangeOrder(_sortingValue.Order)" @onclick:stopPropagation="true"><Icon>@GetSortIcon(_sortingValue.Order)</Icon></button>
What I want to do is being able to click the sorting icon without causing the DDL to open
I tried adding
on the button but it doesn't work.
Is like if you have some kind of javascript that register a click on any item within the ValueTemplate and it causes the drop down list to open ignoring my stopPropagation
Can you help me solve the problem?