I've been tasked with doing a timesheet application for the web and wanted to know if you had any spreadsheet controls for ASP.NET. I noticed there was one for Silverlight, but I was hoping there was something for ASP.NET AJAX.
11 Answers, 1 is accepted
At this point we don't have any immediate plans for such components, however, this may change in the future should there is demand for such a component.
All the best,
Genady Sergeev
the Telerik team

Thank you for the feedback, we have raised the priority of the spreadsheet component and will soon research the possibilities of building one.
Meanwhile you can take a look the the excel like RadGrid code library, which basically shows a way to use RadGrid as a spreadsheet.
Genady Sergeev

We don't have spreadsheet in our immediate roadmap, however, we are seeing more and more request and it is likely that our next long term planning will have this point in it.
Genady Sergeev
Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

Any updates on this?
i think your silverlight and WPF versions are great. However they are not IPad compatible which is vital this day in age.
I'm leaning on moving to DevExpress because the lack of this component. Being forced by customers to support this.
I have good news that we are already working on a SpreadSheet solution for web applications!
We are targeting a public Beta release within the Telerik DevTools Q3 timeframe (October), and an official v1 release in the first quarter of 2016. Private Preview may also be shared with a limited group of early adopters in the beginning of the autumn this year.
We will unveil more details in an upcoming blog post on the subject.
Best regards,
Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

This is good news!
Will there be support for a Word processor one to?
Our WYSIWYG Editor for ASP.NET AJAX already offers the ability to import and export to RTF and DOCX formats.
You can directly test this functionality in the Import and Export to DOCX and Import and Export to RTF demos, as well as read more about it in the documentation: Import and Export to Word.
If your request is other, please elaborate a bit more on it and provide information about use cases, features and links to similar products. Thank you!
Best regards,

thanks Rumen,
My understanding of the Spreadsheet is more of a component that can be added and have most of the Office like functionality built-in. Looking at the WYSIWYS demo it seem like there is a bunch of development to achieve the Office feel and behavior (ribbon bar etc). From my research on the web etc it seems that there are a lot of people looking for a asp.net Office like component. I know that DevExpress has recently added these components however they do not have the compete function like tracking etc. My hopes are that your team is coming up with a better alternative. I've looked at the WPF you have a "RadRichTextBox" this is exactly what i think most people are looking for but in a MVC or Ajax.
love to know if this is in the works?
Thank you for your feedback!
RadEditor does offer a Ribbonbar and along with the built-in collaboration functionality for Track Changes and Comments and many other beautiful features such as the different ways to paste and strip content, unlimited Undo/Redo, Apply Styles, Format paragraphs and Style Builder, it offers very flexible API for creating new tools and functionality. The import and export to Word can be enabled also pretty easy.
I get your idea, but if you think that RadEditor misses some important functionality, UI or experience provided by MS Word or some of the competitors, please let me know. We are always open for new ideas and suggestions.
Kind regards,