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Snippet Formatting

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Kent asked on 05 Oct 2016, 01:23 PM

We are experiencing issues when we try to use a snippet via the rich text editor to allow our authors to create a cutline (photo with caption under it) in their articles via insert snippet telerik toolbar option within Sitecore.  We spoke to Sitecore and they were able to reproduce but said it was deep in the Telerik code so would need to reach back to telerik.  Hoping someone has a solution or recommendation on how to solve this.


Steps to reproduce:

1. User create a new article in Sitecore

2. User selects the insert cutline snippet from the rich text editor toolbar as shown in attached image.

3. Result in the cutline text following outside the div as shown in the html code below.


Expected html dropped in:

<div class="cutlinecontainer flLeft">  <img alt="" class="cutlineImage" style="width: 300px;" src="-/media/58708ed216f54f73893636c4cb5878d0.ashx" /> <p class="cutlineText">Insert cutline text here</p></div>

Actual html dropped in:

<div class="cutlinecontainer flLeft">  <img alt="" class="cutlineImage" style="width: 300px;" src="-/media/58708ed216f54f73893636c4cb5878d0.ashx" />  </div>
<p class="cutlineText">Insert cutline text here</p>


Thanks in advance!

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Oct 2016, 03:41 PM

I was unable to reproduce the reported issue with the latest version 2016.3.914.45. You can see my test in the following video:

My advice is to test the latest R3 2016 version and upgrade the component.

Best regards,
Telerik by Progress
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answered on 05 Oct 2016, 06:19 PM

Wonder if it has to do with the version we are on as we are on Sitecore 7.2 with telerik version 2015.1.401.45 which is what they have recommended being at and were able to reproduce.  


This is what sitecore specifically said:

I've been able to reproduce a similar behavior on my side and registered it as a bug.

To track the future status of this bug report, please use the reference number 119317. More information about public reference numbers can be found here:
I've tried to find a workaround/patch for it, however, with no luck - the related code is deep inside the Telerik assemblies.
Moreover, the issue is reproducible even with latest Telerik assemblies (as you may know, Rich Text Editor is based on a third-party component Telerik Rad Editor)

If the issue is of a high impact for you, I would suggest you contacting the Telerik community using the forum referenced below:

If this does work for you, please let us know, so we could look for alternative approaches.

Best regards,





Telerik team
answered on 10 Oct 2016, 11:34 AM
Hi Kent,

I'm unable to reproduce the issue under IE11, Edge, Firefox and Chrome latest with version 2016.3.914 (latest) of RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX (Telerik.Web.UI.dll).

If the problem is indeed reproducible "with latest Telerik assemblies" as Sitecore support implies, please modify the attached project which runs the latest version so that it begins to demonstrate the problem and send it back for examination on our end.

If the issue indeed exists in version 2016.3.914, I'll log it for fixing in our bug tracking system. So far we are unable to reproduce it.

Best regards,
Telerik by Progress
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