We are experiencing issues when we try to use a snippet via the rich text editor to allow our authors to create a cutline (photo with caption under it) in their articles via insert snippet telerik toolbar option within Sitecore. We spoke to Sitecore and they were able to reproduce but said it was deep in the Telerik code so would need to reach back to telerik. Hoping someone has a solution or recommendation on how to solve this.
Steps to reproduce:
1. User create a new article in Sitecore
2. User selects the insert cutline snippet from the rich text editor toolbar as shown in attached image.
3. Result in the cutline text following outside the div as shown in the html code below.
Expected html dropped in:
<div class="cutlinecontainer flLeft"> <img alt="" class="cutlineImage" style="width: 300px;" src="-/media/58708ed216f54f73893636c4cb5878d0.ashx" /> <p class="cutlineText">Insert cutline text here</p></div>
Actual html dropped in:
<div class="cutlinecontainer flLeft"> <img alt="" class="cutlineImage" style="width: 300px;" src="-/media/58708ed216f54f73893636c4cb5878d0.ashx" /> </div>
<p class="cutlineText">Insert cutline text here</p>
Thanks in advance!