I have a sliding panel bar setup on my pages. Every time I click on the button to open it, the panel bar slides open, but it throws this error, "Object doesn't support property or method 'stopTransition'", and I can not close the panel bar. I thought may be I did something wrong so I created a page and copied the example here, http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/panelbar/examples/applicationscenarios/slidingpanelbar/defaultvb.aspx . When I tried running that it also threw the error and behaved the same way.
The version I am using is the latest one : 2016.2.607.45 .
There is another project that I have that has the sliding panel bar and that is working. The only difference with that project is that its running 2014.2.724.45. So what is the issue?