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Show/Hide Command Button based on data content in field

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Jason asked on 26 May 2020, 08:02 PM

Good afternoon, 


I am relatively new developer. I am working the the Telerik Grid and it is fantastic! The sorting and searching and editing I love it!

I have made my own custom command button that when clicked pops a modal dialog that displays a pdf. The link to display this pdf is stored in the database. All of this works great!

Now I would like to only display a button or enable this button if this field has something in it.

I am not picky about how its done either. I have tried to bind the enable event to a Has_Link boolean field...I have tried a bunch of stuff.


I realize this probably has more to do with my lack of knowledge than it does the control itself. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be grateful!

Here is my code below.

        <h3>Search Permit</h3>
        @if (Permits == null)
            <TelerikGrid Data=@Permits EditMode="@GridEditMode.Incell" @ref="Grid" Sortable="true" FilterMode="GridFilterMode.FilterMenu" Class="table-striped"
                         Pageable="true" PageSize=@PageSize
                         OnUpdate=@UpdateItem OnDelete=@DeleteItem>
                    <br />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Permit_NO) Title="Permit Number" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Parcel) />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.PD_Owner) Title="Owner Name" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Submission_Date) Title="Submit Date" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Permit_Issue_Date) Title="Issue Date" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Permit_Type) Title="Permit Type" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Estimated_Cost) Title="Cost" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Fee) Title="Cost" />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Note) />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Image_Link) />
                    <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Permit.Has_Link) />
                        <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
                        <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Save</GridCommandButton>
                        <GridCommandButton Enabled="ShowImageIsEnabled" OnClick="Show_Image" Icon="information">Show Permit</GridCommandButton>
        <h1>Access Denied!</h1>
@code {
    private List<PermitModel> Permits = new List<PermitModel>();
    private PermitModel Permit = new PermitModel();
    public TelerikGrid<PermitModel> Grid { get; set; }
    public bool ShowImageIsEnabled { get; set; } = true;
    int PageSize = 15;
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        Permits = await _db.GetPermitData();
        await SetGridSort();
    private void DeleteItem(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        var argsItem = args.Item as PermitModel;
    private void UpdateItem(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        var argsItem = args.Item as PermitModel;
        var index = Permits.FindIndex(i => i.Record_ID == argsItem.Record_ID);
        if (index != -1)
            Permits[index] = argsItem;
    async Task SetGridSort()
        GridState<PermitModel> desiredState = new GridState<PermitModel>()
            SortDescriptors = new List<SortDescriptor>()
                new SortDescriptor { Member = "Permit_NO", SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending }
        await Grid.SetState(desiredState);
    void Show_Image(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        var argsItem = args.Item as PermitModel;
        var parameters = new ModalParameters();
        parameters.Add(nameof(ImageModal.image), argsItem.Image_Link);
        Modal.Show<ImageModal>(argsItem.Permit_NO, parameters);

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Svetoslav Dimitrov
Telerik team
answered on 28 May 2020, 01:38 PM

Hello Jason,

There is an open Feature Request on our Feedback Portal for GridCommandColumn that has the model context. You can see it from this link: I have given a Vote for it on your behalf, in order to raise its popularity. You can Follow it to receive email notification on status updates. Also, in that thread I have posted a workaround solution on how to make a custom GridCommandColumn that has the context so you can show or hide buttons based on data from your model.

Svetoslav Dimitrov
Progress Telerik

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answered on 28 May 2020, 07:26 PM
Oh, great! Thank you very much!
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Svetoslav Dimitrov
Telerik team
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