I am using the CSLA framework with Blazor WebAssembly and am trying to send the Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest from the Blazor Client using a Telerik Blazor Grid through to the CSLA DataPortal API endpoint on the Blazor Server.
Unfortunately the CSLA framework is unable to successfully serialize and de-serialize the Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest object as is.
I tried creating a CSLA compatible wrapper so that i could use the built-in CSLA serialization, unfortunately i have hit an issue in the fact that CSLA only supports serialization of primative types (int, float, string, datetime, etc).
My discussion (https://github.com/MarimerLLC/csla/discussions/2268) on the CSLA repo suggests that I may need to serialize to a string or byte[] array.
The option I'm left with is to manually serialize the entire Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest object as either a string or byte[] array by using either System.Text.Json or Newtonsoft.Json.
Then when the string or byte[] array is received by the CSLA DataPortal API endpoint I can manually de-serialize the parameter as a Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest object.
Looking at the Telerik docs it appears that the Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest object supports System.Text.Json out of the box but if I want to use Newtonsoft.Json then i might have to do some custom serialization, therefore my preference would be to use System.Text.Json.
How can I use System.Text.Json to serialize and de-serialize the Telerik.DataSource.DataSourceRequest object manually as my mode of transport to the CSLA DataPortal API endpoint doesn't use the native Blazor System.Text.Json serializer?