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Scroll bars not showing up on Windows 7 and IE11

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Peter asked on 05 Oct 2016, 03:01 PM
Works everywhere else.  This my code around it:

 <div id="divddHealthConditions" class="inputWrapper marginRight">
                                <asp:Label ID="lblHealthConditions" runat="server" CssClass="lblddHealthConditions" Text="<%$Resources: Resources, strHealthConditions %>" AssociatedControlID="ddHealthConditions" />
                                <telerik:RadDropDownList ID="ddHealthConditions" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight" CssClass="ddHealthConditionsAttr" AutoPostBack="True" CausesValidation="False" DefaultMessage="<%$ Resources:Resources, strDefaultMessageDDLPleaseSelect %>" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddHealthConditions_SelectedIndexChanged" OnClientSelectedIndexChanged="DdlGetSelectedIndexChanged"></telerik:RadDropDownList>
                                <div class="clearer">
                                    <asp:CustomValidator ID="cvDdHealthConditions" runat="server" CssClass="validator" ValidationGroup="<%$Resources: Resources, strVgHealthConditions %>" ErrorMessage="<%$Resources: Resources, strErrMsgReqField %>"
                                        ControlToValidate="ddHealthConditions" Display="Dynamic" Enabled="true" Visible="true" EnableClientScript="true">

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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 06 Oct 2016, 06:12 AM
Hello Peter,

I replied to your inquiry in the support ticket with the same subject you started. I suggest we continue the discussion in it in order to avoid thread duplication. When the issue is resolved we can post the solution here, in case someone else from the community is facing the same problem.

Ivan Danchev
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Ivan Danchev
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