I have a Pivot Grid with vertical scrolling and RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate set to some text for every aggregate field. It is set to some text because I did not wanted the aggregate function displayed such as SUM or AVE, etc … I have noticed that the vertical scrolling causes problems on the RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate. The set text of the last aggregate field’s RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate is repeated on all the other aggregated fields’ RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate. These are some of the set properties:
<telerik:RadPivotGrid ID="Name" runat="server" AggregatesLevel="5" ShowDataHeaderZone="False" AggregatesPosition="Rows" Height="700px"
OnNeedDataSource="Name_NeedDataSource" OnCellDataBound="Name_CellDataBound" OnItemCommand="Name_ItemCommand">
<PagerStyle ChangePageSizeButtonToolTip="Change Page Size" PageSizeControlType="RadComboBox"></PagerStyle>
<Scrolling AllowVerticalScroll="True" ScrollHeight="700px"/>
<TotalsSettings ColumnGrandTotalsPosition="None" ColumnsSubTotalsPosition="None" RowsSubTotalsPosition="None" />
5 filters fields
1 column fields
5 rows fields
9 aggregated fields
Is there way I can correct this behavior?
I am using ASP.NET 4.5, Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16721, Telerik v.2013.2.717.45, C#.
The provided help will be appreciated.