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Row selection question

38 Answers 1049 Views
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Josh Anderson
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Josh Anderson asked on 15 Jul 2008, 01:14 PM
I have a grid that's set up to enable client selection and multiple row selection and also has a ClientSelectColumn in it.  I would like to enable some specific behavior:

If I click a client row, I would like it to simply add that row to the list of selected rows.  Right now, the only way to do this is to use the checkbox in the ClientSelectColumn.  The problem with this is that a checkbox is a small control, and if you miss your click and end up clicking outside of the checkbox, it clears all previously selected rows and only selects that one row.

I would also like the row click to toggle selection -- click once, it selects.  Click again, it deselects.  Right now, clicking a row will only select, and to deselect you have to use the checkbox, which can introduce the problem above.

I know it's possible to Ctrl-click to select and deselect, but this has a variety of unwanted effects in the browsers.  Firefox adds a border to the table cell that was Ctrl-clicked, and IE selects all the text in that row.

Has anyone figured out a way to have a row select process that's like what I'm seeking?


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Telerik team
answered on 15 Jul 2008, 04:59 PM
Hello Josh,

RadGrid does not provide this functionality out-of-the-box, but it can easily be achieved using client-side events. Here is some sample code:

var clickedItemIndex; 
var deselected; 
var selected; 
function RowClick(sender, args) //Attach to the OnRowClick client event 
    var master = $find('<%= RadGrid1.ClientID %>').get_masterTableView(); 
    var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
    clickedItemIndex = index; 
        selected = true
        selected = false
function RowDeselecting(sender, args) //Attach to the OnRowDeselecting client event 
    if(clickedItemIndex != args.get_itemIndexHierarchical()) 
    else if(selected) 
        deselected = false
        deselected = true
function RowSelecting(sender, args)  //Attach to the OnRowSelecting client event 
    if(clickedItemIndex == args.get_itemIndexHierarchical() && deselected) 
        deselected = false

The above code implements toggling selected state on row click for RadGrid. The actual selection/deselection is done in the RowClick event handler. Nevertheless, we need some not so straightforward workaround in the RowSelecting and RowDeselecting events, due to the specifics of RadGrid's client-side event cycle. Therefore we conditionally enable and disable the two events based on boolean flags.

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Josh Anderson
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answered on 18 Jul 2008, 04:27 AM
Could you explain exactly how the javascript works in conjunction with the radGrid's event firing?  I ask because it gets close to fixing my problem, but doesn't deal well with successive clicks.  In other words, if you click a row to select an item, it doesn't consistently de-select that row upon the second click.  Likewise, it doesn't consistently re-select the row upon the third click if the second click is indeed successful.

Telerik team
answered on 18 Jul 2008, 10:19 AM
Hello Josh,

OK, I will try to be as clear as possible. Please feel free to ask about anything unclear.

The "selected" flag is set to the value of the item.get_selected() property, it directly indicates if an item is selected or not.

As by default, RadGrid clears all selections when a single row is clicked. For example, if you have items 1,3 and 5 selected, clicking on item 2 would select it, but deselect items 1,3 and 5, as of standard implementation. This is fixed in the RowDeselecting event, where we check if the item index for which the RowDeselecting event is fired is the item that is last clicked. If true, this means that the RowDeselecting event is firing for the item we have just clicked, and this event needs to finish, so that we can actually deselect the item. If, however, those two ids do not match, it means that the RowDeselecting event is firing for items that are already selected, but are not clicked. Those are all the items we have previously selected (items 1,3 and 5) and those we need to keep selected. Therefore we check if the currently clicked item is the same item for which the RowDeselecting event is firing. If not, which is the first "if" clause, we cancel the event and keep the items selected.

The "selected" and "deselected" flags are reciprocal in value, if one is true, the other needs to be false. This logic is controlled both in RowDeselecting and RowSelecting events as you can see. The flags are needed, so that if the Select event fires successfully, the Deselect event should be suppresed. And reciprocally, if the Deselect event is fired successfully (a click over a selected item), the Select event should be canceled so that no selection could be made as a result of a row click intended for a deselection.

The "if" clause in the RowSelecting event checks if the Select event has fired for the item that has been clicked, and if the click event cause a row deselection (deselected flag equals true). If both true, this means that the event needs to be canceled, because we should not have a Select event fired for an item that has just been deselected, as this would cause it to be selected again. If the condition is false, the event fires successfully and the "deselected" flag is cleared so that a new cycle can begin.

I hope this is clearer.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Josh Anderson
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answered on 22 Jul 2008, 03:23 PM
I think there might be an error in the javascript somewhere.  I do understand your explanation, but there is a scenario in which the process breaks down.  Try these steps:
  1. Click on a single row to select that row.
  2. Click that same row again to deselect it.  The row will not deselect.
Another example can be seen in these steps:
  1. Click on one row to select it.
  2. Click on another row to select it.
  3. Click the first row to deselect it.
  4. Click the second row to deselect it.  You cannot re-select the second row without first selecting another row.
Based on my understanding of the javascript, this is related to the fact that we're keeping track of the index that was last clicked and assuming that someone will not be selecting then immediately deselecting (or vice versa) the same row.  I know there is some additional logic that must be in place, I'm just not getting anywhere trying to figure it out.  Any ideas?

Telerik team
answered on 23 Jul 2008, 11:34 AM
Hi Josh,

You were correct in your observations, some glitches could be recognized in the functioning of the row select. I have since implemented a newer version of the .js file, using a boolean array to store selected information for every grid row. Please find it attached.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Josh Anderson
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answered on 28 Jul 2008, 09:31 PM

Thanks so much for your work on this.  I implemented the updated javascript and it works perfectly...except in IE.  I did all my original testing on Firefox, but when I did a quick compatibility check in IE I discovered that it doesn't work the same way.

I did some rudimentary debugging and it looks like it has to do with the order in which IE fires events versus Firefox.  In Firefox, any time I click a row that is not already selected, events fire in this way:

1. RowSelecting
2. RowClick
3. RowDeselecting
4. RowSelecting

After which point the row is properly selected.  When I click that same row again to deselect it, the events fire in this way:

1. RowDeselecting
2. RowClick
3. RowSelecting

In IE, when I click a row that isn't selected the events fire in this way:

1. RowSelecting
2. RowDeselecting
3. RowClick

After which point the row is not selected.  If I click that same row again, I get events like this:

1. RowSelecting
2. RowSelecting
3. RowClick

It appears that for some reason IE does not fire the RowClick event early enough, resulting in the boolean array not having the proper information about the selection state of the row when the RowSelecting and RowDeselecting events occur.  Do you know of any way I can get IE to fire the events in a manageable order?


PS - I have grown to really hate IE!
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2008, 08:18 AM
Hello Josh Anderson,

Really, it seems the javascript events fire in a different sequence under IE and this is an unexplicable behavior. It seems the javascript engines of the two browsers vary greatly in functioning. I am currently debugging the javascript towards IE, but it seems the closer I get to the desired functionality in IE, the worse it spoils under Firefox. Anyway, I will write back as soon as I find a solution to this issue. Please stay tuned.

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Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2008, 10:34 AM
Hi Josh,

I was able to get it running on both browsers, using conditional execution of code snippets depending on the browser. I successfully tested it under Firefox, IE 7 and Safari. Please find attached the .js file. You need to attach a javascript function to yet another client event - OnRowMouseOver

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the Telerik team

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answered on 12 Aug 2008, 05:37 PM
I tried the implementation given by you.

It works fine for selecting and deselecting.The only issue is I have a allowmultirowselect ="false". After I added the js it lets me select multiple rows even though I don't have it set as true.

Can you give me an example where it just lets me select and deselect a single row.
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 15 Aug 2008, 10:25 AM
Hello newbie,

If you would like only one row to be selected at a time, I suggest that you deselect the previously selected row when selecting new one.

Find attached the modified script file.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 18 Aug 2008, 05:23 PM
It works perfectly now.
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answered on 26 Aug 2008, 07:03 PM
I am having a little trouble with the code.

I have a master detail table. Any time the user clicks on a row in the detail table it throws an exception:
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'get_dataItems()[...]' is null or not an object"

Can you give a workaround for that.
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answered on 26 Aug 2008, 07:48 PM
I modified my rowSelecting function like this...not sure if thats the most appropriate way of doing it.


RowSelecting(sender, args)

var master = sender.get_masterTableView();
var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical();

            selected[index] =
            var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical();
            if(args.get_tableView().get_name() == "Timesheets")
                    selected[index] = !master.get_dataItems()[index].get_selected();
            else if(args.get_tableView().get_name() == "TimesheetTracking")
                    var childIndex = index.substring(index.lastIndexOf("_") + 1); 
                    selected[index] = !sender.get_detailTables()[0].get_dataItems()[parseInt(childIndex)].get_selected();
        clickedItemIndex = index;

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answered on 24 Nov 2008, 03:31 PM

I have a similar problem as you have been solving in this thread.
My situation is slightly different. Most importantly, I have a number of RadGrids on the same page.
I am building SharePoint webparts, using RadGrid. The user/developer can place any number of such webparts on the page, i.e. I don't know the number of RadGrid instances on the page.
Since the variables clickedItemIndex, selected, and isIE are global on the page, this won't work.
Can anyone suggest how I can make this work?

Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 25 Nov 2008, 08:14 AM
Hello Fredrik,

In this case you can try creating the javascript code dynamically and assign different names foe the global variables and functions.

I hope this helps.

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answered on 06 May 2009, 04:28 PM
Excellent work, Iana.   I had been struggling with this and finally found this post (bad searching on my part :P).  It worked like a charm.

bad nick
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answered on 05 Jun 2009, 02:33 PM
Hello, Iana!
Multiple selection/deselection on row clicking works like magic with the custom javascript functions you wrote, thanks for your good work, however, one issue is still present: when de-selecting all rows by clicking the checkbox in the grid header, it would only de-select the last selected row.

select all works fine, de-select all doesn't.

can you please take a look in this issue??

Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 08 Jun 2009, 12:54 PM
Hello bad nick,

Could you please try adding the below javascript method to the ToogleSelection js file:

function CheckedAllClick(sender)  
        var i = 0;  
        for(i = 0; i < selected.length; i++)  
            selected[i] = !sender.checked;  

Then handle the ItemCreated event of your RadGrid and add the following code:

protected void RadGrid1_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)  
    if (e.Item is GridHeaderItem)  
        GridHeaderItem item = e.Item as GridHeaderItem;  
        CheckBox cbAll = item["ClientSelectColumn"].Controls[0] as CheckBox;  
        cbAll.Attributes["onclick"] = "CheckedAllClick(this); " 
            + "$find(\"" + RadGrid1.ClientID + "\")._selectAllRows(\"" + RadGrid1.MasterTableView.ClientID + "\", \"\", event);";  

Let me know if this solves the issue you are facing.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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bad nick
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answered on 09 Jun 2009, 01:59 PM
Iana, thanks for your reply.
Sorry to say this has not fixed anything. It behaves the same - selects all but deselects only one.
Using alerts i've checked all vars in function CheckedAllClick and they seem ok: selected.length is correct no of rows, selected[i] are 'undefined' when selecting and 'true' when deselecting.

My RowDeselecting looks like this (as per ToggleSelection.js):

        function RowDeselecting(sender, args) { 
            var master = sender.get_masterTableView(); 
            var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
            var dataItem = master.get_dataItems()[index]; 
            var checkbox = dataItem.get_element().getElementsByTagName("INPUT")[0]; 
            if (checkbox.disabled) { 
            else { 
                if (clickedItemIndex != index && selected[index]) { 
                    //selected[index] = false;  // for single row selection 
                    args.set_cancel(true);      //for multi row selection         

Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 09 Jun 2009, 02:45 PM
Hello bad nick,

Can you try the attached sample and let me know how it works on your end and if I missed something from your logic?

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bad nick
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answered on 09 Jun 2009, 03:43 PM
Iana, with all due respect, have you actually checked what you have attached? It's just a samle grid with no selecting ability.

Have you got a working sample with multiple select enabled without using Ctrl key and de-/select all checkbox working please?
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 10 Jun 2009, 08:39 AM
Hello bad nick,

It seems we have some misunderstanding here. I have tried the sample before I sent you and it works fine on my side. I am able to select/deselect rows by clicking on a row or in the ClientSelectColumn checkboxes. However, it seems you are doing something else.
Can you try providing detailed steps on how could I replicate the behavior you experienced?

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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bad nick
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answered on 10 Jun 2009, 09:51 AM
the file contains the following files:

App_Data containing Nwind.mdb
Bin containing Telerik dlls

when I run it, all I see is the sample Grid with no ability to select columns: screenshot
<img src="">

are you sure this is what you wanted to show because what you're saying is:
"I have tried the sample before I sent you and it works fine on my side. I am able to select/deselect rows by clicking on a row or in the ClientSelectColumn checkboxes"
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 11 Jun 2009, 09:46 AM


Please excuse me for missleading you. It seems I tested another sample, not the sent one. Here should be the right one.

Best wishes,

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bad nick
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answered on 11 Jun 2009, 10:12 AM
Iana, good you finally checked the attachments.

Now about your sample. The topic of this conversation is how to enable multiple row selection without holding Ctrl key. Your example does not allow that until you change RowDeselecting(sender, args) method in ToggleSelection.js file as follows:

function RowDeselecting(sender, args) 
    var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
        if(clickedItemIndex != index && selected[index]) 
            //selected[index] = false;  // for single row selection 
            args.set_cancel(true);      //for multi row selection         
        if(clickedItemIndex != index && selected[index]) 
            //selected[index] = false;  // for single row selection 
            args.set_cancel(true);      //for multi row selection         

After you do this, you will find that de-selecting all rows checkbox will stop working!
Please look into this as I need to do a release soon.

Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 11 Jun 2009, 01:09 PM

I see what you mean now. I modified the code a bit and the deselectAll should work properly this time.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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bad nick
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answered on 11 Jun 2009, 02:10 PM
Thanks for this, Iana,
you have fixed the de-/select all functionality, however, there is a new bug: after you select and deselct all rows, you won't be able to select multiple rows without Ctrl key. Please check this is a bug.
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jun 2009, 12:02 PM
Hi bad nick,

I preformed further investigation on this case. And it seems that the current implementation of the GridClientSideColumn and the desired functionality of grid multi row selection/deselection on mouse click are not compatible.

Therefore I suggest that you either use row selection/desection functionality on row click or the GridClientColumn and the default grid functionality for selecting rows.

Please excuse us for the inconvenience.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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bad nick
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answered on 22 Jun 2009, 10:56 AM
Dear Telerik team,

I appreciate that you have tried to replicate the functionality of Windows Explorer where you have to hold Ctrl key in ordered to select multiple rows by clicking on them. However, the grid in web world is totally different control, hence it is expected to behave differently.

As you have possibly noticed a high demand for the functionality requested in the post 1 of this topic, could  you please answer a simple question - whether multiple row selection without holding Ctrl key with no bugs of all row select/deselect would ever be implemented?
IMHO this should be an option (property) of Telerik Grid as to whether you need to use Ctrl key to select multiple rows or not.
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 22 Jun 2009, 11:49 AM

Indeed, the desired functionality is already implemented in RadGrid. Using GridClientSelectColumn gives you the ability to select/deselect all rows by checking/unchecking single checkbox. Additionally, you can select/deselect separate rows by checking/unchecking the checkbox of the GridClientSelectColumn for the particular row.

Kind regards,
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Andrew Watt
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answered on 16 Feb 2010, 03:37 PM
I also have run into this issue and agree with bad nick- this should be part of the control suite.

I have implemented the latest version of the js on this forum and am still finding issues with it here and there.

Does anyone have a working solution for this?
Iana Tsolova
Telerik team
answered on 18 Feb 2010, 12:57 PM
Hello Andrew,

You can try out the sample in this code library and see if it fulfills your requirements.

Check it out and let me know how it goes.

the Telerik team

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answered on 17 May 2010, 11:21 AM
If it is still needed I've updated the code a bit and it should work. SelectAll and DeselectAll should work too with GridClientSelectColumn.

<telerik:RadGrid ID="radGrid" AllowMultiRowSelection="true" runat="server"
<ClientSettings Selecting-AllowRowSelect="true"  Selecting-EnableDragToSelectRows="false"
<ClientEvents OnGridCreated="GridCreated" OnRowClick="RowClick" OnRowSelecting="RowSelecting"
                            OnRowDeselecting="RowDeselecting" OnRowMouseOver="RowMouseOver" /> 

        var clickedItemIndex; 
        var selected; 
        var isIE; 
        function GridCreated(sender, args) { 
            selected = new Array(sender.get_masterTableView().get_dataItems().length); 
            isIE = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") > 0; 
        function RowClick(sender, args) { 
            if (!isIE) { 
                var master = sender.get_masterTableView(); 
                var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
                selected[index] = !master.get_dataItems()[index].get_selected() 
                clickedItemIndex = index; 
        function RowDeselecting(sender, args) { 
            var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
            if (((args.get_domEvent().target) && (args.get_domEvent().target.type == "checkbox")) 
                || ((args.get_domEvent().srcElement) && (args.get_domEvent().srcElement.type == "checkbox"))) { 
                selected[index] = false
            if (clickedItemIndex != index && selected[index]) { 
        function RowSelecting(sender, args) { 
            var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
            var master = sender.get_masterTableView(); 
            var originalSelected = master.get_dataItems()[index].get_selected(); 
            if (((args.get_domEvent().target) && (args.get_domEvent().target.type == "checkbox")) 
                || ((args.get_domEvent().srcElement) && (args.get_domEvent().srcElement.type == "checkbox"))) { 
                selected[index] = !originalSelected; 
            if (isIE) { 
                if (selected[index]) { 
                    selected[index] = false
                else { 
                    selected[index] = !originalSelected; 
                clickedItemIndex = index; 
           else { 
                if (clickedItemIndex == index && !selected[index]) { 
        function RowMouseOver(sender, args) { 
            if (isIE) { 
                clickedItemIndex = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 

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answered on 18 May 2010, 09:31 AM
I've updated the script, it should work with master-detail grids. To fix all telerik grids globally just place it on your master page:
    <script src="/JS/RadGridSelectionFix.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

if ((typeof (Telerik) != "undefined") && (typeof (Telerik.Web) != "undefined") && (typeof (Telerik.Web.UI) != "undefined") && (typeof (Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid) != "undefined")) { 
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype._fix_isIE = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") > 0; 
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype._fix_selected = new Array(); 
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype._fix_ownSelecting = false
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype._fix_clickedItemIndex = ""
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype._fix_initialize = Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype.initialize; 
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.prototype.initialize = function() { 
function getItemSelFix(table, itemIndexHierarchical) { 
    var items = table.get_dataItems(); 
    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { 
        if (items[i]._itemIndexHierarchical == itemIndexHierarchical) { 
            return items[i]; 
    return null
function SelFixGridCreated(sender, args) { 
    if (!sender.get_allowMultiRowSelection()) { return; } 
    var items = sender.get_selectedItemsInternal(); 
    if ((items != null) && (items.length > 0)) { 
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { 
            sender._fix_selected[items[i].itemIndex] = true
function SelFixRowClick(sender, args) { 
    if (!sender.get_allowMultiRowSelection()) { return; } 
    if (!sender._fix_isIE) { 
        var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
        sender._fix_selected[index] = !getItemSelFix(args.get_tableView(), index).get_selected(); 
        sender._fix_clickedItemIndex = index; 
        getItemSelFix(args.get_tableView(), index).set_selected(!getItemSelFix(args.get_tableView(), index).get_selected()); 
function SelFixRowDeselecting(sender, args) { 
    if (!sender.get_allowMultiRowSelection()) { return; } 
    var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
    if ((sender._fix_ownSelecting) 
        || ((args.get_domEvent().target) && (args.get_domEvent().target.type == "checkbox")) 
                || ((args.get_domEvent().srcElement) && (args.get_domEvent().srcElement.type == "checkbox"))) { 
        sender._fix_selected[index] = false
    if (sender._fix_clickedItemIndex != index && sender._fix_selected[index]) { 
function SelFixRowSelecting(sender, args) { 
    if (!sender.get_allowMultiRowSelection()) { return; } 
    var index = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 
    var originalSelected = getItemSelFix(args.get_tableView(), index).get_selected(); 
    if (((args.get_domEvent().target) && (args.get_domEvent().target.type == "checkbox")) 
                || ((args.get_domEvent().srcElement) && (args.get_domEvent().srcElement.type == "checkbox"))) { 
        sender._fix_selected[index] = !originalSelected; 
    if (sender._fix_isIE) { 
        if (sender._fix_selected[index]) { 
            sender._fix_selected[index] = false
        else { 
            sender._fix_selected[index] = !originalSelected; 
        sender._fix_clickedItemIndex = index; 
    else { 
        if (sender._fix_clickedItemIndex == index && !sender._fix_selected[index]) { 
function SelFixRowMouseOver(sender, args) { 
    if (!sender.get_allowMultiRowSelection()) { return; } 
    if (sender._fix_isIE) { 
        sender._fix_clickedItemIndex = args.get_itemIndexHierarchical(); 

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answered on 11 Jun 2014, 08:58 PM
The code Uladzimir wrote works well in Chrome but I have an issue in IE.

If you select and then deselect the row and then PostBack (or access the grid server-side) the grid it shows the row as checked (does not unselect it). It works correctly if you click the checkbox but clicking the row to deselect does not work.

Any thoughts?
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answered on 11 Jun 2014, 09:12 PM
Hi Dan,

It was more than 4 years ago. Everything has been changed since that time. I surprised that solution provided 4 years ago still works. I propose to take a look at  _fix_isIE variable. It may be that IE detection work wrong with IE 9+
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answered on 11 Jun 2014, 09:18 PM
If there is a better way to do this I am more than open to it, but this was the best I found.

The IE detection does work. It seems something wrong with the deselection of the row (shows it as deselected on clientside) but the grid does not lose the value (accessing from server) but the grid does work properly when using the checkboxes.

I'm not expecting Uladzimir to fix it but hopefully someone else has an idea!
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jun 2014, 10:52 AM
Hi Dan,

You can use the approach suggested in the following post to achieve the requested functionality:

Hope this helps.


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