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Reusable content not updating (linked)

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WebParts for SharePoint
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niklas.osth asked on 14 Aug 2008, 03:17 PM
SharePoints built in Reusable Content (MOSSTemplateManager) dows not seem to work as it should. It seems that the text is copied into the editor instead of a link to it. This means that wen updating the source-item the text on the pages will continue having the old text.

Is this a bug or was it never intended to work as the OOB editor?

Found the answer here:

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Telerik team
answered on 19 Aug 2008, 08:08 AM
Hi Niklas,

In general, the problem is that the reusable content's automatic update feature is not working. We are doing our best to fix this issue, but at the moment it is not possible. We will continue researching the problem and once we found an appropriate fix we will include it in the control's source.

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WebParts for SharePoint
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