I have a HTMLChart containing 19 series(x:DateTime, y:Double) each containing approximately 240 values.
Each point have a tooltip that uses kendo.format to show the DateTime and the double.
Transition is set to false.
MinorGridLine is set to false.
MarkersAppearance size set to 2 and square type.
LineAppearance size set to 2.
It render fine in IE9 and +.
But I have to support IE8, the rendering is very slow and the popup about slow script is showing up.
Any way to improve performance or to render differently or partially the chart?
Thank you.
I have a HTMLChart containing 19 series(x:DateTime, y:Double) each containing approximately 240 values.
Each point have a tooltip that uses kendo.format to show the DateTime and the double.
Transition is set to false.
MinorGridLine is set to false.
MarkersAppearance size set to 2 and square type.
LineAppearance size set to 2.
It render fine in IE9 and +.
But I have to support IE8, the rendering is very slow and the popup about slow script is showing up.
Any way to improve performance or to render differently or partially the chart?
Thank you.