Okay, after a considerable amount of reading, trial and error, and general fussing with code I've got a RadTreeView that I can expand, you click a link and will remain expanded when the new page loads, However; repeating this on collapse appears to be problematic for me still. I have the system look for the child nodes and add them dynamically when the user expands a node. I need to be able to do the same for collapsing.
What I can't seem to find is a way to find all the nodes with parent (node you just collapse), if I could do that I can just code it to remove all of them.
Alternatively if there is a simple "remember what my treeview has" in session that would be excellent as I've been programming the whole thing to check the session, when you expand a node add child nodes to it, etc. if anyone has any recommendations or advise I'd really appreciate it.