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REcurrence editor MaxOccurrence

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Yelena asked on 30 Apr 2014, 07:40 PM
After our company has the last version of telerik controls I noticed that End after occurrences (maxoccurrence) input has value 10 by default and radio button does not count, so when user tries to create a recurrence scheduler it count that it should be 10 occurrence.
How to change this behavior.  I need empty value from the beginning for the new scheduler and application should check for the radio button.

Thank you for your help

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answered on 05 May 2014, 11:18 AM
Hello Yelena,

Indeed we changed the specified behavior recently. However, when the radio button is not checked the default value 10 (which is identically implemented in Outlook) is not considered. You could use jQuery in order to alter the behavior. Please consider handling the OnClientFormCreated and the following approach as an example:

<script type="text/javascript">
       var $ = $telerik.$;
       function OnClientFormCreated(sender, eventArgs) {
           $("#RadScheduler1_Form_RecurrentAppointment").on('click', function () {
               $("#RadScheduler1_Form_RepeatGivenOccurrences").on('click', function () {


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