I have added a Radwindow to my aspx page as below.
<telerik:RadWindow ID="rdWin" runat="server" Behaviors="None" AutoSize="false"
Width="500px" Height="300px" Top="80px" Left="100px" Modal="true" OnClientShow="RadWindowAddOthers_Show" >
My AutoSize attribute is false. Inside my "RadWindowAddOthers_Show" method i am resetting few textboxes.
I am using ie11 in Ie9 mode.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />
<html class="t-ie t-ie9 _Telerik_IE9">
The above renders as below:
<div class="RadWindow RadWindow_Default rwNormalWindow rwTransparentWindow" id="RadWindowWrapper_ctl00_MainPageContentPlaceHolder_rdWin" style="top:770px;left: 433px; width: 500px; height: 300px; visibility: visible; position: absolute; z-index: 3002; transform: none;" unselectable="on"><table class="rwTable" style="height: 300px;" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0">
The top and left attributes are not as per the given values.
Also in the content template i have a div as follows which encloses all the content:
<div class="RadGrid RadGrid_Default" style="width: 500px;">
As an attempt to fix i have modified it to the following to make sure my content height is calculated properly:
<telerik:RadWindow ID="rdWin" runat="server" Behaviors="None" AutoSize="true"
Width="500px" Height="300px" Top="80px" Left="100px" Modal="true" OnClientShow="RadWindowAddOthers_Show" OnClientAutoSizeEnd="OnClientAutoSizeEnd">
function OnClientAutoSizeEnd(sender) {
if ($telerik.isIE9) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
I see that the radwindow is still positioned wrongly(i mean the top and left attributes are wrong). Can anyone suggest a fix to this issue?