hi I am trying to use this http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/article/b454K-gea-b454T-bgk.aspx example but it's not working for me. I am using the latest version of your controls. The error I am getting is client side error saying 'Object doesn't support this property or method.' The error is coming on line 317 of the following code.
Also when I see the editor in browser it doesn't show the icon for this custom treeview? and it doesn't show the full text, just shows the half text which in this case would be Quest.
Here is the code;
Also when I see the editor in browser it doesn't show the icon for this custom treeview? and it doesn't show the full text, just shows the half text which in this case would be Quest.
Here is the code;
<style type="text/css"> | |
.radeditor.Default.rade_wrapper | |
{ | |
height:480px; | |
width:640px; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default.rade_wrapper | |
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font: normal 11px Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif; | |
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width: 5px; height: 5px; line-height: 5px; font-size:1px; | |
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.radeditor.Default .rade_wrapper_center | |
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height: 5px; line-height: 5px; font-size:1px; | |
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.rade_center_top | |
{ | |
background-color: #515151 !important; | |
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} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_leftVerticalSide | |
{ | |
background:url('mvwres://Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2008.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4/Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Editor.VertSideSprites.gif') 0 0 repeat-y; | |
} | |
.rade_leftVerticalSide | |
{ | |
background-color: #515151 !important; | |
} | |
.Default .rade_tlbVertical | |
{ | |
background-color:#646464; | |
} | |
.rade_tlbVertical | |
{ | |
width: 2px; font-size:1px; | |
} | |
.rade_toolZone | |
{ | |
background-color: #515151 !important; | |
} | |
.Default.rade_toolbarWrapper | |
{ | |
background-color:#515151 !important; | |
} | |
.rade_toolbarWrapper | |
{ | |
float: left; | |
height: auto; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_rightVerticalSide | |
{ | |
background:url('mvwres://Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2008.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4/Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Editor.VertSideSprites.gif') 100% 0 repeat-y; | |
} | |
.rade_rightVerticalSide | |
{ | |
background-color: #515151 !important; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_editorModesCell | |
{ | |
width:100px; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_wrapper_corner.rade_corner_bottom_left | |
{ | |
background:url('mvwres://Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2008.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4/Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Editor.CornersSprites.gif') 0 -65px no-repeat; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_wrapper_center.rade_center_bottom | |
{ | |
background:url('mvwres://Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2008.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4/Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Editor.CornersSprites.gif') 0 -99px repeat-x; | |
} | |
.rade_center_bottom | |
{ | |
background-color: #515151 !important; | |
} | |
.radeditor.Default .rade_wrapper_corner.rade_corner_bottom_right | |
{ | |
background:url('mvwres://Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2008.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4/Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Editor.CornersSprites.gif') -6px -53px no-repeat; | |
} | |
.rade_toolbar.Default .TreeviewDropdown | |
{ | |
background-image: url(http://www.telerik.com/DEMOS/ASPNET/RadControls/Editor/Skins/Default/buttons/CustomDialog.gif); | |
} | |
</style> | |
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DialogHandlerUrl="/dotnetnuke_4_8_2_multi/DesktopModules/TelerikWebUI/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx" | |
EditModes="Design, Preview" Height="500px" Language="en-GB" | |
onclientcommandexecuting="OnClientCommandExecuting" Skin="Hay" Width="100%"> | |
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</telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
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</telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
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<telerik:EditorTool Name="SetImageProperties" /> | |
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</telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorTool Name="ToggleScreenMode" /> | |
</telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
<telerik:EditorTool Name="TreeviewDropdown" Text="Questions" ShowText="true" /> | |
</telerik:EditorToolGroup> | |
</tools> | |
<fontnames> | |
<telerik:EditorFont Value="Agency FB" /> | |
<telerik:EditorFont Value="Algerian" /> | |
<telerik:EditorFont Value="Arial" /> | |
<telerik:EditorFont Value="Arial Black" /> | |
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<telerik:EditorFont Value="Webdings" /> | |
</fontnames> | |
<languages> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="en-GB" Title="English (UK)" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="en-US" Title="English(US)" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="en-AU" Title="English (AU)" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="de-DE" Title="German" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="fr-FR" Title="French" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="es-ES" Title="Spanish" /> | |
<telerik:SpellCheckerLanguage Code="it-IT" Title="Italian" /> | |
</languages> | |
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<content></content> | |
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</telerik:RadEditor> | |
<div onclick="return cancelEvent(event)" id="treeDiv" style="border-right: 1px solid; border-top: 1px solid; display: none; | |
z-index: 101; background: white; border-left: 1px solid; width: 200px; border-bottom: 1px solid; | |
position: absolute; height: 200px; overflow:auto;"> | |
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="RadTreeView1" Height="200" Width="200" runat="server" | |
OnClientNodeClicking="HandleClick"> | |
</telerik:RadTreeView> | |
</div> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
function cancelEvent(e) | |
{ | |
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); | |
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); | |
e.cancelBubble = true; | |
e.returnValue = false; | |
return false; | |
} | |
//Function to hide the dropdown when the user clicks somewhere else on the page | |
var oPopupHandler = function (e) | |
{ | |
//ERROR COMING ON THIS LINE var oDiv = document.getElementById("treeDiv"); |
if (oDiv.style.display != "none") oDiv.style.display = "none"; | |
}; | |
document.onclick = oPopupHandler; | |
function HandleClick(sender, args) | |
{ | |
var treeDiv = document.getElementById("treeDiv"); | |
var editor = treeDiv.RadEditor; | |
if (treeDiv.RestorePoint) treeDiv.RestorePoint.select(); | |
editor.PasteHtml(args.get_node().get_text()); | |
treeDiv.style.display = "none"; | |
} | |
function ShowDropdown(radEditor, toolIcon) | |
{ | |
if (!radEditor.get_Document().onmouseup)radEditor.get_Document().onmouseup = oPopupHandler; | |
var treeDiv = document.getElementById("treeDiv"); | |
treeDiv.RadEditor = radEditor; | |
treeDiv.RestorePoint = radEditor.createRestorePoint(); | |
treeDiv.style.display = (treeDiv.style.display == "none" ? "" : "none"); | |
treeDiv.style.top = (GetY(toolIcon) + 45) + "px"; | |
treeDiv.style.left = (GetX(toolIcon) + 10) + "px"; | |
} | |
function GetX(obj) | |
{ | |
var curleft = 0; | |
if (obj.offsetParent) | |
{ | |
while (obj.offsetParent) | |
{ | |
curleft += obj.offsetLeft; | |
objobjobjobj = obj.offsetParent; | |
} | |
} | |
else if (obj.x) | |
{ | |
curleft += obj.x; | |
} | |
return curleft; | |
} | |
function GetY(obj) | |
{ | |
var curtop = 0; | |
if (obj.offsetParent) | |
{ | |
while (obj.offsetParent) | |
{ | |
curtop += obj.offsetTop; | |
objobjobjobj = obj.offsetParent; | |
} | |
} | |
else if (obj.y) | |
{ | |
curtop += obj.y; | |
} | |
return curtop; | |
} | |
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["TreeviewDropdown"] = function(commandName, editor, args) | |
{ | |
var oTool = editor.getToolByName("TreeviewDropdown"); //get a reference to the custom tool | |
var toolIcon = oTool.get_element(); | |
window.setTimeout(function() | |
{ | |
ShowDropdown(editor, toolIcon); | |
}, 100); | |
return false; | |
}; | |
</script> | |