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RadToolTip on User Control in a gridview

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Rick asked on 26 Jul 2010, 03:58 PM

I have a web page that has 2 nested GridViews.  The second GridView has a user control that contains 10 RadToolTips, 5 for Buttons and 5 for LinkButtons.  The Buttons and LinkButtons cause a window to popup using the javascript  When the window closes the parent is going to refresh the content of the 10 RadTooltips via javascript.  I cannot get a reference to any of these RadTooltips.  I am not using the RadToolTipManager.  I have no problem getting a refernce to the user control contaiining these 10 RadTooltips.

Can you please help.


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Petio Petkov
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2010, 01:12 PM
Hello Rick,

You can handle RadTooltip's onClientShow client-side event and store a reference for each RadTooltip in an array.
More about the RadTooltip's client-side api is available on the following links:

Best wishes,
Petio Petkov
the Telerik team
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Petio Petkov
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