Hello, I'm doing a system using UploadAsync and RadTilesList where images loaded the Upload will be generated in Tiles to be able to track which images the User uploaded, but I am facing a problem, I'm not managing to catch the Tiles after they are generated, the GetAllTiles is coming empty and visual images are there, another question is how to add the new images within the same group of Tiles? The following is a piece of code. Thank you
<telerik:RadTileList runat="server" ID="RadTileList1" Width="634px" TileRows="1" EnableDragAndDrop="true" CssClass="CustomSizeTiles"
ScrollingMode="Auto" AutoPostBack="false" RenderMode="Mobile" >
Private Sub GeraTileBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles GeraTileBtn.Click
Dim Idx As Integer = 0
Dim Fator As Double
Dim Largura As Short
Dim Altura As Short
Dim g As System.Drawing.Image
Dim tileGroup As New TileGroup
'If RadTileList1.Groups.Count = 0 Then
'End If
Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~\" & Session("cache" & HiddenID.Value.ToString)) & "\Upload", "*.JPG")
Dim dir As String
For Each dir In dirs
g = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(dir)
' Calcula o melhor fator
Fator = 100 / g.Height
Largura = Int(g.Width * Fator)
Altura = Int(g.Height * Fator)
If Largura > 100 Then
Fator = 100 / Largura
Largura = Int(Largura * Fator)
Altura = Int(Altura * Fator)
End If
g.GetThumbnailImage(Largura, Altura, Nothing, Nothing).Save(dir & "_Thumbs.JPG", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Dim ImageTile As New RadImageTile
ImageTile.ImageUrl = "~\cache\" & dir.Substring(Server.MapPath("").Length) & "_Thumbs.JPG"
'ImageTile.Title.Text = "Docpro"
ImageTile.Shape = TileShape.Square
Idx += 1
End Sub
Protected Sub CopiaImgBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CopiaImgBtn.Click
Count += 1
For Each Group As TileGroup In RadTileList1.Groups
For Each tile As RadBaseTile In Group.GetAllTiles()
'Code image imports
' For i = 0 To RadTileList1.Groups(0).Tiles.Count
' ImportaImagens(DirectCast(e.File.InputStream, System.IO.FileStream).Name, 0)
' Next
End Sub