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RadStripStrip control not working with mobile browsers

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Steve asked on 16 Sep 2014, 06:47 PM
I am having an issue that is already well documented in this forum at The control is part of a simple menu used on the top of most pages on our site. The fix is to upgrade to version 2012.3.1. However that is not an option for me. I am using RadControls version 2012.3.1016.40. The boss resists upgrading to the newer version because of the required regression testing. We don't have the resources for the extensive testing required.

The forum post above, mentions a work around, by setting the OnClientTabSelected property to "var variable=null;" for mobile browsers only. While this does work, it introduces a client side runtime error, which breaks other JavaScript on the page. The OnClientTabSelected property points to a JavaScript function name, and not actually JavaScript statements.

I am hoping there is an easy fix without resorting to the 2012.3.1016.40 service pack.

Any ideas?


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Telerik team
answered on 19 Sep 2014, 10:21 AM
Hi Steve,

Unfortunately, there is no easy fix available for this issue. Since it has already been handled internally, upgrading the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX (formerly RadControls) to the service pack that includes the fix or to latest version is the solution I would recommend. If you encounter any issues after upgrading, we would be glad to help you resolve them as soon as possible.


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