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RadNumericTextBox problem with decimal places

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Alfredo asked on 29 Jul 2016, 01:36 AM


This is my first post and I am posting because I have a serious problem, the same that the specified in this link, I will explain a bit what is the situation:

I have a Total label and a RadGrid that contains records from a database and one of the columns let you change an amount, when you change the amount textchange event fires recalculates the value to show in Total label, the problem like the guy of the link above is when you change to anotherradnumerictextbox (using mouse or tab key), if i have "123,23" in that radnumerictextbox (where ","  is my decimal separator) it converts the value to "12323,00", I understand what is happening but not how to solve it and this is a problem because it change the Total label taking into account the "12323,00" giving me a greater value than i would expect), i am using telerik version 2013.3.1015.40
answering the question on the libk above

What browser do you use? Chrome last version (52.0.2743.82 m)
What is the culture on your machine and in your server? Español (Mexico) (both), but i am changing application culture depending on user preferences (in this case Español (Costa Rica)
Is it happening in more than one browser? It happen in all browsers
Do you get some JS errors? there are no JS errors
What .Net version are you using? .Net Framework 4.5


Thank you in advance for your help.

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answered on 02 Aug 2016, 02:31 PM
Hi Alfredo,

Could you please provide the code declaration of RadNumericTextBox control in order to check how it is configured? You can try to set a decimal separator and group separator to the correct character of the culture and check whether the issue remains. You can find more information how to achieve that in the following help article.

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