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Radlistbox drag and drop does not work in production

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Federico asked on 29 Oct 2014, 10:44 PM

I have been using Telerik ASP NET AJAX controls and love them!

I developed a little webform where I have certain items inside a radlistbox and I can drag and drop those items inside a textbox.

In localhost, it works like a charm; but when I uploded the solution to my production webserver, the darg and drop function does not work.

I have not installed anything into my production server. Do I need to install the .exe file that included the controls into my server?

Thanks a lot and sorry for the dumb question!

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Telerik team
answered on 31 Oct 2014, 08:26 AM
Hello Federico,

Could you elaborate a bit more on the experienced problematic behavior? Are you able to drag the needed item, or the issue originates when you attempt to drop it over the textbox? In addition, please make sure that there are no javascript errors on the page, since this might caused the inability to perform the drag&drop. If the issue still persist, please provide us with the implementation that you use at your end, so we could inspect it locally.


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