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Radlinker Lite for MOSS - Image Manager Problem

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Curtis asked on 17 Feb 2009, 10:01 PM
I am in a sub-site and I want to link an image that is in the image library of the site above my current site. I have full access to both sites but I am unable to move up a directory. I am clicking the directory buttons but it stil only shows the Documents, Pages, and PublishingImages folders for my current sub-site.

Also, since I couldn't do the above I tried it manually. If I have a link to an image (in SharePoint)... how do I insert that image? I opened the image manager, pasted the link, and either have the option of close or insert, neither of which saves and creates the images.

I'm not to crazy about the RadEditor Image Manager and in fact would rather just use the SharePoint version for this part but I need the ability to strip the absolute paths for my development server when uploading. The main thing is I would like to have thumbnails of pictures to select like the MS version has. Is this a possiblity?


When I can get these minor issues solved, I am going to purchase the standard version so that I have the Flash Manager, etc.

Curtis Shirley
Millikin University 

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answered on 20 Feb 2009, 10:10 AM
Hello Curtis,

You need to modify the ImagesPaths property of the RadEditor for MOSS. In order to do this, add the following code the ConfigFile.xml located in /Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/web server extensions/wpresources/RadEditorSharePoint/
<property name="ImagesPaths"

In addition you should know the the currently logged in user should have at least reading rights for the selected library.

I hope this helps.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 23 Feb 2009, 09:47 PM
Ok, but how do I get it to show the library for the current site and allow navigation up. If I add the example lines they just say "NOT FOUND" in the image manager and I kinda assumed that would be the case. Right now the Image Manager displays Documents, Pages, and Publishing Images. I can then upload and link to images under Publishing Images for the current site but cannot link or upload images in the site above it. Clicking the directory button does nothing. I don't even have the same functionality that the standard Image part OOTB.

Telerik team
answered on 26 Feb 2009, 09:35 AM
Hi Curtis,

If the path that you specify in the <item> node starts with / (for example <item>/ImageLybrary1</item>) this means that ImageLybrary1 is child of the root folder of MOSS site. If it does not start with /, it means that it is child of the current sub-site.

You received "NOT FOUND" in the image manager because ImageLibrary1 and ImageLibrary2 do not exist in your MOSS site. They are just examples which you need to replace with existing paths.

In addition you should know that if you have a path such as /site1/site2/ImageLibrary1 the currently logged user should has at least reading rights for all sub folders, otherwise the image library will not be seen in the ImageManager dialogue.

So if you have the following example:
<property name="ImagesPaths">  

ImageLibrary1 and ImageLibrary2 belong to the root MOSS site.
If you open the ImageManager dialogue in page of a sub-site you will see only ImageLibrary1, because the path for it is correctly declared.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 26 Feb 2009, 02:45 PM
Ok , you're getting closer to understanding my question. Now in the default MOSSImageManager, there is button to move up a directory (same as all MS File Windows) or out of the sub-site to upload or grab an image to link that exists at a level above the current site. This function appears to be in the RadEditor's Image Manager but it does nothing, just refreshes the current image manager window. This is the same for me even as a Site Collection Admin, it does nothing when I try to navigate out of the current sub-site while in the Image Manager. The built-in MOSS Image Manager is really great for this but Firefox does not work correctly with it.... which is why I have implemented the RadEditor which is supposed to have the same functionality.
Telerik team
answered on 27 Feb 2009, 12:07 PM
Hello Curtis,

Here is how the ImagesPaths collection works.

If you do not set the editor's ImagesPaths property the dialog will show all the libraries from the current Web. You can not access libraries from parent site unless you set the property.

When you set path starting without slash (e.g. "ImagesLibrary"), you will refer a local library - library from the current Web. If you set path staring with slash (e.g. /ImagesLibrary), you will refer a library from the SiteCollection (root).

For example:

Lets  open the SubSite1 ConfigFile.xml and set the following images path:
<property name="ImagesPaths">
The ImageManager will load the SiteCollection/SubSite1/ImagesLibrary. 

If you set the path with slash the ImageManager will open the SiteCollection/ImagesLibrary e.g. 
<property name="ImagesPaths">

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answered on 27 Feb 2009, 03:47 PM
Ok, there is a problem with this though.... I have probably 150 sites in SharePoint, all with their own image libraries. Does this mean that I would need to set an imagepath for every single site's image library in the configfile? Then that would mean that every site would then see the libraries for all of the other sites when in the image manager?

Also, I only have one configfile.xml... not one per subsite. All sites are part of a Site Collection. mumossdev1 is the development server address which is not www accessible.

  <property name="AllowThumbGeneration">True</property>
  <property name="ConvertToXhtml">True</property>
  <property name="EnableDocking">False</property>
  <property name="ShowHtmlMode">True</property>
  <property name="ShowPreviewMode">False</property>
  <property name="StripAbsoluteAnchorPaths">False</property>
  <property name="StripAbsoluteImagesPaths">False</property>
  <property name="AnchorPathToStrip">
  <property name="ImagesPathToStrip">
  <property name="ToolbarMode">ShowOnFocus</property>
  <property name="ToolsWidth">800px</property>
  <property name="Skin">Default2006</property>

Isn't there a way for this to be dynamic? I don't even mind if one site has access to another site's image library, I just want them to be able to navigate to it through the image manager (like the MOSS Image Manager) instead of seeing a huge list of libraries when they open it, and on top of that, all of the image libraries are named PublishingImages.


Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2009, 09:13 AM
Hi Curtis,

Regarding your question about the only one ConfigFile.xml, there is a help article that explains how tho configure different files for different webs

I understand the navigation functionality that you are requesting, but unfortunately the only way that you can configure the ImageManager's paths is the ImagesPaths property and it works as I explained above. I apologies for the inconvenience, but there is no way to configure dynamically the RadEditor's 4.5.4 ImageManager so it will have the MOSS  Image Manager navigation abilities.

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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 01:47 PM
Hi Stanimir,

I have a similar problem and no one can help me to solve it. Let me try to explain:
I use the RadControls Editor as standard MOSS Editor and it works fine. Now I need to define an allowed directory in each site like explained below but the image manager allways shows me all document libraries of the current site and not only the one I want.

Here's my old question:
1. in the confile.xml:
if I define the property it has no effect - I defined an item "/it/images" as image path but I allways get the root of the current site.
It shows the current site root folder and all document libraries below and not only the one I specified.

2. how can I modify the property not global for all RadEditor imagemanagers? What I need is a specific imagepath configuration for each site.
Site means a site on one server - what you mean is a website / different server. I mean one server - one web - different sites like:

 - site 1
    - doclib 1
    - doclib 2
 - site 2
    - doclib 1
    - doclib 2
 - site 3
    - doclib 1
    - doclib 2

e.g. like in this configuration I need to define for each site a imagepath definition like on site 1 show only doclib 2 and e.g. on site 2 show both and so on...

Thank you and best regards,
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 02:39 PM
This is exactly the problem that I am having and have yet to find a solution. Right now I plan to abandon the RadEditor as my primary content editor and setup page layouts that are labeled for MAC users that use the RadEditor. All the standard Page Layouts will use the Moss Image Manager and Link Manager.
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 02:56 PM
Hi Curtis,

If you got any solution please let me know... (
I'll do so also if I found something out...

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answered on 26 Mar 2009, 11:25 AM
Hi Curtis,

one problem was fixed by me :)
The Radtools are case sensitive and the property name is "ImagesPath" and I wrote "ImagePath"... Damn...

The other question is still there - how to use different config for different sites (not webserver sites - only simple sites in one web...).

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