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RadHtmlField Properties

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Sharepoint Integration
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Sebastian asked on 23 Sep 2008, 07:30 AM

I'm currently working on implementing the RadEditor in a MOSS project when I came upon the following questions;

  • I want to edit a field in SharePoint using the RadEditor. Having a fixed number of layouts available I want to replace the RichHtmlField with the RadEditor. However, the RadEditor does not have the FieldName property and therefore might be a viable solution. Therefore I'm using the RadHtmlField control instead, which has the FieldName property. Is this correctly understood and a good solution?
  • Also, I would like to change the language of the control, but, as could be read above, when using the RadHtmlField, the language property is not available as it is in the RadEditor. I was thinking of replacing the default resource files with my own, fully aware of the problems that might arise when upgrading the product. Is there a better way of accomplishing this task?
  • Spellchecking is not at all available with the RadHtmlField that I can see. Is there a way to incorporate this functionality with the RadHtmlField, or do I have to use the RadEditor?

Best regards


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Telerik team
answered on 24 Sep 2008, 08:33 AM
Hi Sebastian,

The RadHtmlField control is the correct choice for your scenario. You can set the Language property from the editor's configuration file - ConfigFile.xml. To add spell checking support to the field control, open the editor tools file - ToolsFile.xml and add the spell checker tool. If you are using the 5.x version of the RadEditor for MOSS, you will also need to copy the resource files from the editor resources folder to ~/App_GlobalResources/ in your MOSS web application.

Here is a link to the RadEditor for MOSS 4.x documentation, which shows how to add/remove tools from the editor toolbar: tools from the toolbar.html

The same help article, but for the RadEditor for MOSS 5.x:

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answered on 24 Sep 2008, 11:21 AM
Thanks you for your quick and precise response!

It was of great help to solve the problem.

Best regards

Sharepoint Integration
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