Hi All, quick question, I've gone through all the demo pages for the RadHTMLChart, gone through Google and here and not found anything that would work with how I've done my Data source...
I've passed a list of 2 columns to my RadHTMLChart Bar or Column series chart, 1st column is the name of the row and the 2nd column is the value to be plotted... I've done this with a single Series and it plots all the data fine, I then set the XAxis DataLabelsField to the Name column and all the labels display correctly for each column/bar...
My question is this: -
How do I get a Legend to show up? The way I see it, the legend will only appear if there are multiple Series set on the ASPX page, but as the series gets populated from code no legend appears... I've tried creating a Legend programmatically and failed miserably, There just doesn't seem to be a property to add an item to the legend or at least set the Legend source to the Name column of the Data source?
If I switch this all the to the Pie Chart I then get a property to set the NameField on the series which if I set this to the Name column, the Legend works tip-top!
Any way of getting this 'NameField' property to be available on the Bar Series / Column Series also?
Thanks, Adam.
I've passed a list of 2 columns to my RadHTMLChart Bar or Column series chart, 1st column is the name of the row and the 2nd column is the value to be plotted... I've done this with a single Series and it plots all the data fine, I then set the XAxis DataLabelsField to the Name column and all the labels display correctly for each column/bar...
My question is this: -
How do I get a Legend to show up? The way I see it, the legend will only appear if there are multiple Series set on the ASPX page, but as the series gets populated from code no legend appears... I've tried creating a Legend programmatically and failed miserably, There just doesn't seem to be a property to add an item to the legend or at least set the Legend source to the Name column of the Data source?
If I switch this all the to the Pie Chart I then get a property to set the NameField on the series which if I set this to the Name column, the Legend works tip-top!
Any way of getting this 'NameField' property to be available on the Bar Series / Column Series also?
Thanks, Adam.