In case this helps someone else: I was having difficulty with my column RadHTMLChart. There were no exceptions but it wouldn't display the data. I was binding to a dataview and setting the DataFieldY and DataLabelsField to columns in that dataview. Long story short, it seems that there are certain reserved words that the chart has trouble with. In my case, my dataview had a column named "count" and a column named "Category". I changed my SQL query to give the column names the aliases of "ErrCount" and "CategoryName", changed the chart's DataFieldY and DataLabelsField properties to use these new column names, and then the chart displayed correctly.
While I have solved my problem, I'm wondering if there is documentation which lists reserved keywords so I don't run into this again?
While I have solved my problem, I'm wondering if there is documentation which lists reserved keywords so I don't run into this again?